I have sinusitis does eating cheese make it worst?

Q:Over the weekend I consumed a good amount of Tostitos chips and cheese dip. Since then my head feels light and when I lie on my back the room feels like its spinning. Could the cheese dip have contributed to this? I do not have severe sinusitis only unless there is something is in the air that might trigger it off.
More Answers to “I have sinusitis does eating cheese make it worst?
No! That wouldn’t do anything. Just make sure you are taking decongestants and get Ocean saline nasal spray.should help!
I know dairy products in general affect my allergies. Something in the dairy produces mucus and therefore makes your symptoms worse. That’s why people who are in the hospital to get their tonsils out don’t get ice cream anymore! They get popsicles now!
Could have…dairy products make the mucus thicker and harder to get up and out. There are a lot of areas that have not had a hard frost yet, so there could also be something “in the air.”Try Mucinex-D for your congestion. It will open you up and make the mucus thinner so you can get it out.
Dairy produces mucus. Yeah, the cheese dip could make you feel worse.
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