If you have an STD, do you tell your partner?

Q:Isn’t it worth it to not be selfish and be honest with something of this magnitude.
More Answers to “If you have an STD, do you tell your partner?
Yes you should, especially if your the one who contracted it it’s not fair to pass that **** to him that would be so uncool. If it were the other way around wouldn’t you want to know ? I wish you the best of luck in all.
Of course you should tell them, precautions need to be taken.
I would want my partner to tell me. It’s not fair to keep that a secret.
Yes. You will be taking a chance. This person may respect you or they may be very upset. Any reaction is expected. The matter at hand is that if you care enough about this person you will tell them. Even if you are not in a serious relationship. If this was him with the STD, wouldn’t you want him to tell you so that you could get treated. This tells a whole lot about yourself and this takes a lot of courage. In the end you will know you did the right thing.
Yes, you should tell him/her if you’re having sex with them. If you don’t want to tell him/her then stop having sex with him/her and get yourself treated. . . I just still think honesty is the best policy, even though it may not be the easiest.
An std causes q&a if you think that he gave it to you you have to tell him that you know if you got it from someone else before him then you have to tell him and stop sleeping with him until you are both cleared of it if it is treatable. If you got it from someone else while you were with him RUN
of course you should you should tell before they become a partner. they may reject you but oh well.Would you want an std from someone when it could have been prevented?besides that is basing a relationship on a lie and it wouldnt be forgiven, im sure
If you have an STD you should tell your partner. Let them make the choose if they want to stay with you are not. You should never put someone’s live at risk without them knowing. You can get lock up for that. It is like having AIDS and not telling the person you have AIDS. Anyhow, most people are understanding and if they truly cares for you, they will find out how they can protect themselves and still be with you. Anyhow, statistices say that More than half of all people will have an STD at some point in their lifetime. [1] . Check out the website below.
yes you should,,,, but i dont think most people do other wise there wouldnt be so many people with gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, HIV and who knows what else!
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