Is it true if i do too much masterbation it will effec my sexeual performance?

Q:i am male 30 years i wanted to know is it true if i do too much masterbation it will effec my sexeual performance like i discharge early or i will not get long errections
More Answers to “Is it true if i do too much masterbation it will effec my sexeual performance?
Some studies actually say that masturbation is healthy and may lower the risk of several forms of prostate cancer.The only downside to lots of masturbating is your sperm count will be lower. You ejaculate faster than your body can produce sperm. It takes the body about 48 hours to build up a normal supply of sperm. So if you want a child, I would wait at least that long in order to get to your maximum sperm count.
hey, don’t do it…….just a plain,big ,no no,not only it will do as you have mentioned above, it will drastically shorten your sex life. Moreover mausterbation can lead to serious impotency…don’t do what you will regret …please take the advice of a friend..I have seen guys come to me crying…at what they had done to themselves…through this…get married if you already are not, or get a girl, belive me
Actually it should make you last longer! Good luck buddy!
No, as long as you are not going over five times a day (relative number), you will be fine. Masturbating helps you discharge later because you have expereience with the feeling and can take it to a higher level each subsequent time. Don’t stress yourself/it out though. If it hurts, stop for a while.
to much mastrubation will effect the masuclse of ur penis they will lose there strenght
Yes, how are you going to run the engine with no gas in the tank?
yes,it’s like making something but you don’t have the parts needed
Exact opposite actually. Masturbating often prolongs the amount of time until you ejaculate, getting rid of those pesky premature episodes.
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