My boyfriend has rash around his underarms which is spreading all over his body.. what can stop the itching?

Q:he already has antibiodics to stop the spreading, but it doesnt stop the itching.. weve tried a benadryl cream and another type, but they dont really seem to work!
More Answers to “My boyfriend has rash around his underarms which is spreading all over his body.. what can stop the itching?
Have him take Claritin D. It’s an anti histamine allergy product that you can get at the drugstore. Histamines cause the itching and the claritin will help relieve it. Have him start with 1 tablet in the am and 1 in the pm and then once a day until it subsides. It shouldn’t make him sleepy like over the counter benadryl will. Read the package carefully and don’t drink alcohol while taking it. Make sure it won’t conflict with other medications that he may be taking.
I hope he has seen a doctor, and that’s where he got the antibiotics. I had the same problem a few years ago, but mine was an allergic reaction, caused by a deodorant. If that is his problem as well, antibiotics won’t help. I was given over the counter anti-histamines, and some kind of a steroid.
It could be as simple as new deoderent or laundry detergent he is sensitive to. Might be a fungus, try an antibacterial cream like for athelets foot ,but dont mess around to long it could also be an yeast infection or a rash that needs antihistimenes,that calls for a doctors care.
I hope he stopped using deodorants. He could try Calamine or Maalox. Maalox really works – I had shingles and my Dr. recommend this.
the best thing for it would be to go to the local chemist and ask for a bath emoliant . you put a few drops into the bath and it works wonders. it is not expensive.
try a numbing spray – the generic kinds are fine
take him to the emergency room
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