On a recent chest ex-ray a black spot was found prompting a MRI what could be wrong?? Cancer??

Q:On a recent chest ex-ray a black spot was found prompting a MRI what could be wrong?? Cancer??
More Answers to “On a recent chest ex-ray a black spot was found prompting a MRI what could be wrong?? Cancer??
Unless I’m much mistaken, cancerous tumours show up on X-Ray prints as WHITE spots. not black… but then it might be inverted from the normal.What colour is the background, and what about the bones? If the bones are black on white, it could be cancer.. if the bones are white on black, then definitely not.
It could be anything. scar tissue from a bout of pneumonia or a chest cold, could be fluid in your lung if you are sick right now.. fibrous tissue (non cancerous), and many other things, and it could even just be a spec of dust. Let the MRI happen, and don’t worry on the results until you have the results. Any time a medical test is abnormal, it’s best to not stress on it until there is something conclusive. Good luck!
maybe ask your Doctor
Yeah or it could be scar tissue from a past illness.
Dust Bunnies?No need to panic, go for the MRI and find out
The X-ray could also be showing something you inhaled (like a bit of food). Or scarring on the lung from an injury, any injury.
i hope you had the mri done , follow up, dont let this go . it is possible that its cancer , but there are other possibilities. my aunt had a spot and never followed up till it was to late , she died of lung cancer.i hope all turns out well , god bless you , i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers…
Could be, could also be a lymph node, pneumonia, something you accidently inhaled. Don’t panic just yet. Wait on the MRI results.
Someone forgot to clean the xray machine
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