Adult Jawline Acne: Separating Fact from Fiction

3 Fictitious Beliefs about Adult Acne

1) Jawline acne is not abnormal. An article from the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology states that 50% of women ages 20-29 and 25% of women ages 40-49 are affected by acne.

2) Jawline acne is not caused by lack of washing. From another article from the Journal of the American Academy of dermatology, researchers have not been able to show any relationship between lack of washing and acne outbreaks.

3) Adult jawline acne is nothing to be embarrassed about. As you can see above, 50% of young adult women suffer from some level of adult acne. This acne doesn’t necessarily occur because of any habit, and is usually strongly tied to genetics-if you have a close relative with adult acne then you’re 4 times as likely to have it-and the menstrual cycle.

10 Little-Known Facts about Adult Acne

1) Women are much more likely to have adult acne than men.

2) Whereas adolescent acne involves the entire face and is usually worst on the cheecks; adult acne tends to manifest on the jawline, neck, and mouth in women, as opposed to the back and shoulders of adult men.

3) Benzoyl peroxide is the most effective over the counter medication; however, studies have shown that it’s as effective at a 2% solution as at a 10% solution.

4) Acne in adult women is categorized as persistent or late onset acne. in other words, some women have acne that taxes and hanes but is persistent from adolescence to adulthood, while other women are basically clear until adulthood. the persistent kind is more common, but it is entirely possible for a woman to get her first acne in adulthood.

5) Prescription medicine has been shown most effective for treating acne. Except for the most severe cases, a combination of adapalene/benzoyl peroxide is considered the most effective treatment for all types of acne.

6) Dermatologists will prescribe Accutane to adult women in severe cases.

7) Although uncommon, some adult acne in women is the result of hormone-related disorders like polycystic ovarian syndrome, pituitary disease, and ovarian and adrenal tumors. In these cases, the acne is usually severe and accompanied by other symptoms like masculine-type hair growth, male-pattern baldness, and irregular periods. Medical help should be sought immediately in this case.

8) It’s important to seek treatment for moderate to severe acne as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of scarring.

9) Women can frequently control their jawline acne using hormone therapy like spironolactone or certain birth control pills.

10) The occurrence of jawline acne needs to be accepted as a medical condition, and a dermatologist should be sought if necessary.

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