Celebrity Birthdays on November 29

Happy Birthday

We are all interested in Celebrities and their lives. Celebrities are people we often look up too. This is a series that will show you the most interesting celebrities who are born on each day. Celebrities are just like you and I, they are just more famous.


You born on this day

We wish you happy Birthday

On this special day


1921 Jackie Stallone, mother of Sylvester Stallone

1935 Diane Ladd, American actress

1940 Chuck Mangione, American musician

1949 Garry Shandling, American comedian, actor and writer

1951 Barry Goudreau, American musician (Boston)

1954 Joel Coen, American film director, producer, and writer

1955 Howie Mandel, Canadian comedian

1958 Michael Dempsey, English musician (The Cure)

1959 Rahm Emanuel, American politician and mayor of Chicago

1961 Kim Delaney, American actress

1964 Don Cheadle, American actor

1964 Tom Sizemore, American actor

1968 Jonathan Knight, American singer (New Kids on the Block)

1968 Howard K. Stern, American attorney and reality TV personality

1972 Brian Baumgartner, American actor, best known for playing Kevin Malone on The Office

1976 Anna Faris, American actress, singer and comedienne

1991 Zac Sunderland is an American sailor who was the first person under the age of 18 to sail solo around the world

I hope you enjoyed today’s celebrity birthdays. Come back out tomorrow to check out more celebrity birthdays. Happy Birthday to all celebrities and everybody else who were born on this day- come back tomorrow to see what Celebrities were born on this day

You born on this day

We wish you happy Birthday

On this special day

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