Characteristics Russian Women Seek in a Western Man

So you have decided to check out the Russian brides at on a Russian dating site, by checking over their profiles you can soon get an idea of the women’s individual characteristics, they will often list what they are searching for in a man. The top most desirable qualities searched by Russian and Ukrainian women are a sense of humour and good manners along with respect as the top quality required in a man. Here are some of the other qualities that these women will be looking for.

Caring and Kindness

Russian brides love a man who can show compassion and kindness, they like to receive compliments, as well as small gifts of affection from time to time. It is common in Russia for men to present their ladies with small gifts and flowers, so you need not worry that the lady only expects it from you being a foreigner, this is not true.

Sensitivity and Feelings

Russian brides like a man who is sensitive and knows how to express his feelings, they do not like men who keep all their feelings bottled up inside, showing your feelings to your women is in no way a sign of weakness.


Russian women love a man who is positive and confident in life, this is a big attraction for these ladies, they do not like a man who is always looking on the bad side of life, you should also avoid speaking about any past relationships that failed, or bad dating experiences, Russian women do not like pessimistic men.

Hygiene and Cleanliness

This is one characteristic that should stick out a mile; the biggest turn off for any Russian women is an unkempt man, who takes little care of his personal hygiene. You can be 100% sure it the biggest turn off for any women. Though it can be sexy to look rugged and ready it is important you do it in the right way, and still keep a clean smart appearance. Russian women are very fashion conscious and very much like a man to look smart and dress smart.

If you are serous in your search for Russian women to marry you need to be aware of these little points.

These Russian women’s top qualities searched for in a man are from a result of a survey of over 1000 Russian ladies in International Russian dating site

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