Leadership/Basics: Elements of Strategy, the Objective

To further the teachings of leadership and strategic thinking, this starts an in-depth look at the first principled element of strategy: The Objective. This is the focused point for which all actions are meant to revolve around. The idea concept to believe in is once you achieved control of this, whatever situation exists is no longer a threat to you. The objective must be considered in reference to the needs and intentions forcing this strategy into existence in the first place. We humans are a society based and communicative animal system; to be in competition with each other is counter productive to this basic principle as such disrupts society and communications. Therefore the objective must be gained with the least amount of competition involved or resentment to such in the first place. Fitting it into the basic framework a society or following has already determined is appropriate is then the first step to taking action.

In previous articles, I have stated we do not need to be in competition, we chose this to happen only when we see ourselves as needing competition. The objective of any strategy does not focus around making others into an opposition or enemy. This view comes from the internal and personal stresses of our human nature, the state of competition to exist or the mistakes we have made so far. It is because of a perceived need which we can not obtain as yet, we seek the objective in the first place. The actions taken are meant to satisfy this need, to put to rest this motivating force in our lives. This motivating force is the drive into action, removing it removes the need to gain the objective as well. Thus the most skilled warriors seek to remove the force, the desire, the thoughts and the motivation behind the action to take the objective.

If control of the objective is seen as all important, then once this objective is removed what importance is this control? The situation is the base for why competition is not needed within strategy. Competition is an all over feeling, an emotional desire to prove something which has nothing to do with the strategy at hand. The “us-against-them” attitude that develops within competitive actions is based on the emotional ties one has to preserving the self-identity as a god-like creature. Such personal involvements remove any detachments needed to see or establish order into developing control of a situation. But when the control is no longer needed, the authority or power it posses is no longer considered important or heard. A good example is that of old record keeping systems before the computer information systems came out. Now with digital recordings, scanning systems, quick reference programs, etc…the old filing systems are slowly being replaced. Those who once stated there was such a need for filing systems are not being heard so much anymore. Removing the objective’s ability to control the stress factor or even the motivation will also end the need to gain the objective.

The exception is when we get personally involved through competitive attitudes. Our personal desires become more important than completing the strategy, we become the competition to ourselves by losing the focus we should have kept. It is this focus to gain the objective that was once the driving force, now our petty desires makes us seek new objectives. Thus distractions develop both by our own nature and from the opposition to cause us to slow down or even fail to seize any gain to what we need. The time lost adds the opposition by allowing it to see what we want to gain and by strengthening such defenses as needed to keep it safe.

Society has rules about when and how to seek things from others, to live in a society one must accept these rules and be allowed to live by them. Those most successful are those who understand how to develop within such rules to meet the needs of the individual while following the rules of the group. Strategy outside of these rules is counter to that societies determinations of right and wrong, (justified or not) no society allows one individual such power for too long. It is counter to the needs of society to allow mass sacrifice while only a few gains, for society is developed to allow the mass population to gain from events individuals within do. Those outside this society are represented when those within choose to allow it, but the rules must still apply. Only when forces exist to offer better protections or resources to use will the society then move as a whole to it. Until such time only individuals looking to develop or make gains on their own will seek new objective outside of those resource offered. It is therefore the individual motivations that cause objectives to be considered important at all.

Contact: Michael Pulse [email protected] Author of: The Truth of Things

Website: www.truth-things.biz CEO of Stone Rose LLC.

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