Move Over “MY Plate” Here is the “Healthy Eating Plate”

Due to the fact of obesity in Americans hitting epidemic proportions, due to large food servings, saturated fats and hardly any nutritional value, health experts are attempting to save Americans by changing their dietary habits.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture which is supported by both the First Lady Michelle Obama and Surgeon General Regina Benjamin has replaced the age old food pyramid with “My Plate”. Which has been mentioned not exactly having enough useful information, Harvard School of Public has created their revised version.

According to Dr. Anthony Komaroff, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and editor in chief of Harvard Health Publication had talked with journalist Karen Springen commenting on his views of “My Plate. Dr. Komaroff points out a few issues as he sees them such as not pointing out the difference between healthy and non-healthy carbohydrates. There is also no focus on how important whole grains really are along with not noting the various sources of protein, which is healthy and which is not, along with a few other issues. All of this ends up bringing consumers the “Healthy Eating Plate”.

Harvard Health Publications working in association with nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health set about the task of offering their own version called “Healthy Eating Plate”.

Healthy Eating Plate is an improved version of My Plate in order to give consumers an easy to use guide with specifics to healthy eating based on the best of which science has to offer. The plus side to this plate is vegetarians can also use it due to the beans and nuts to provide enough protein.

Harvard’s plate does appear similar due to the visual elements that start it off but it also ends there. In the four sections Harvard has added information on what foods in each category are healthier. When it comes to oil and healthy fats there is olive and canola oil. As far as that glass of milk with each meal, you will not find it on this plate. They note that modest dairy consumption is fine but excess does not decrease the risk of osteoporosis or fractures.

As we all know exercise is important, so to remind us of that fact the plate uses a symbol as a reminder.

Just what exactly does the My Healthy Plate offer American’s:

Half your meal should be fruits and vegetables and use variety.

Use whole grains whenever possible, limit those refined grains like white bread and rice due to the fact the body quickly will turn them into blood sugar.

When it comes to oils, olive and canola are good for the body so use them in salads and cooking.

When it comes to protein pick the healthiest ones like fish and nuts and cut back on that red meat and avoid cold cuts, processed foods and bacon.

Have water, tea or coffee. Milk and dairy products are not the must have to consume foods. One to two servings a day is fine. Avoid sugary beverages and go slow on the juice.

Do not forget to remain active.

So which plate do you think will take over most of American’s dietary habits? Only time will tell on this one.


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