Ancient Hebrew and Belief

The ancient Hebrew’s were a people that thought very concretely. Their words had meaning and their names were a function of what they did. For example, Moses, and Moshe in Hebrew literally means “to draw” and that is an action word applied to his name. What I noticed from ancient Hebrew lexicons and dictionaries is that a lot of the root words of ancient Hebrew are action words. These words are verbs and describe action rather than passive words. The words in Hebrew are almost completely concrete. The words that pertain to objects or events that can be sensed by the five sense, whereas the abstract cannot be smelled, touched, seen, heard, or tasted. Abstract words in our modern English are many. For instance, the English word “worship” is abstract because it is not a verb, or doesn’t show any action or concrete visible thing. In ancient Hebrew, the more accurate translation of worship is “bend down”, a verb. By the way, the ancient Hebrew ‘s sense of worship is a sign of respect and this sign of respect(worship) is not just attributed to God because we see this happen between humans too. Another abstract word in the bible is “praise”. Praise in the concrete sense is “to shine” or “shine” a verb also. The ancient Hebrew word for “praise” is “halal”. This word, “halal” is a root word and can make up the word “halleluyah” praise God.
What astonishes me the most is that most of our modern and previous translators had no idea of the concreteness of the words found in their original manuscripts. One reason for this is because they had already a translation which they called original. The Greek Septuagint and other manuscripts are ancient translations of the scripture and the ancient Hebrew originals that contained the ancient Hebrew pictographs are currently lost, but the Leningrad codex, and other manuscripts of the modern, or middle Hebrew survived. A translation from a translation will move us farther away from the originals and thus farther away from the true clear picture of the bible. To get closer to the Truth one must search with passion and desire, and willing to break off their comfort zone and go into foreign territory.
Ultimately the reward for the search for truth is it’s own reward, because of the journey’s one will have to go to pursue Truth and endeavor to upset the current system of beliefs in the Christian, and Jewish world. The problems facing Christians is that some don’t obey the commandments of God, or Torah, and the problems Jewish people face is that most of them don’t accept Jesus as their Messiah. Instead they look for another. And another point with the Christian faith is the fact that the Faith is the only thing they have. They don’t have obedient spirits or they tend to be anti-Torah in their teaching of faith sermons and Sunday gatherings. Messianic Judaism though seems to be able to do both concurrently which is even possible for non-religious people. To observe Sabbath one doesn’t need to attend a congregation, the command only states to rest, and cease or stop from working or doing business for the day. So, even the non-religious can be Torah obedient, observant and believe in God. So, why not the Christian believers?

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