How Does the GOP Get a Single Vote Outside of the Top 1%?

The article “Democrats Propose Tax Cut For Middle Class Workers, New Tax For Millionaires” illustrates the Democrats attempt to combat the GOP who never pass up a tax cut unless it doesn’t directly help the top 1%.

The article states “Democrats are offering a bill that would cut taxes for most families next year by about $1,500, paying for the cut by taxing income above $1 million.”

These fat cats have been the recipients of tax cuts from their GOP lackeys for generations.

The article states “The idea is to extend and expand a tax cut passed for this year that has let workers off the hook for 2 percent of their Social Security payroll taxes. The new version offered Monday by Sens. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) would boost that figure to 3.1 percent, or half the 6.2 percent payroll tax, for 2012.

The measure would give employers the same break on the first $5 million of their payrolls, as well as waive the tax entirely on the first $12.5 million in payroll for new workers — in the hopes of creating an incentive to spur hiring. They estimate it would benefit 98 percent of small businesses.”

Aren’t the GOP always saying these cuts will hurt small business? Well this will help 98 percent of small businesses , but Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., predicted that even some Democrats would oppose Reid’s proposal because it amounts to a tax on small businesses saying “I think it’s safe to say that any attempt to pass another temporary stimulus funded by a permanent tax hike on the very people we’re counting on to create the private-sector jobs we need is purely political, and not intended to do a thing to help the economy, since we all know it’s likely to fail with bipartisan opposition.”

The GOP mantra is tax cuts, putting money in the peoples’ pocket. The secret is they only want to give top 1% these advantages and this current example of their hatred for the bottom 99% is only the latest time they have shafted the bottom 99%.

The GOP doesn’t deal with the reality of helping 98 percent of small businesses. They have their phrases and know that red staters will believe anything Rush and Sean Hannity and other GOP propagandists utter as long they have a pretty banner-such as “Mission Accomplished” behind them and use small words exclusively.

The article continues “But Democrats see the proposal as a win for the struggling middle class and the economy that also fits nicely into their argument that Republicans — many of whom backed the current payroll tax cut — are more concerned about preserving cuts for the rich than working Americans.

“It’s hard to imagine Republicans being more out of step with the American people than they are right now,” Reid said in a conference call with reporters Monday promoting the legislation. “They [Americans] believe as we do that millionaires should pay their fair share.”

Reid was referring to surveys his office has been highlighting lately that find increasing voter support for government action on income inequality and taxes on the wealthy.”

We’ve seen this hope not materialize before. Boehner will complain that the Tea Partiers won’t agree to the legislation–even though tax cuts and helping small businesses, were the core of their political philosophy, and a few days of lying to the red staters will sway them to once again, to vote against their own interests.

The article continues “Democrats believe the public will see Republicans — who support preserving the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich — as favoring the wealthy at the expense of the middle class if they oppose keeping the lower-end cuts for workers and employers.

Republicans hope Democrats will be seen as hypocrites for fighting to preserve one tax cut while fighting to end another, one leadership aide said.

Reid said the measure would get its first vote by the end of the week. He predicted that if Republicans block it, Democrats will try to pass it again and again.”

The Democrats are trying their hardest to get the words right to counter GOP propaganda. “Republicans say we cannot afford to raise taxes,” Senate Majority Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Monday in announcing the proposal. “If they choose to oppose this payroll tax cut, we’ll know what they meant to say was, ‘We cannot afford to raise taxes on the rich, but we are happy to raise taxes on the middle class.’”

At the other end of their political spectrum a GOP lackey was dumped on for her adherence to Grover Norquist’s pledge not to support any tax increase of any kind. If the GOP doesn’t go along with the Democrats plan to extend the payroll tax cut, aren’t they violating their vow?

The article “Constituents Rebuke GOP Congresswoman For Her Allegiance To ‘No Tax’ Pledge Instead Of The Constitution” shows the GOP doesn’t have any core values, only opinions they will jump away from.

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) was doing the GOP’s work of blindly adhering to Grover Norquist’s pledge not to support any tax increase of any kind.

The article states “Kathy Thompson, a Longview real-estate broker, blasted Herrera Beutler for signing conservative activist Grover Norquist’s pledge not to support any tax increase of any kind.

“I think this is totally un-American. I think your only pledge should be to uphold the Constitution of the United States,” Thompson said.

Another GOP politician reviewed his allegiance to his voters as the article states “One audience member told Rep. Chris Gibson (R-NY), “We are your constituents, not Grover Norquist.”

More and more Republican congressmen, though, are disavowing the pledge after witnessing the ill effects of promising never to raise taxes under any circumstance. GOP Rep. Frank Wolf (VA) said the pledge had the effect of “paralyzing Congress” and making it impossible to even discuss ways to reform the tax code. Onetime devotee Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA) also denounced the pledge, explaining, “We have to have the flexibility to do the right thing for American people.”

The individual members of the GOP walk in lockstep adherence to Grover Norquist. The GOP’s goal is to help the top 1% only. How does the GOP get a single vote outside of the top 1%?

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