Libra 2012 Year Ahead Forecasts

Between January and March, personal plans will roll forward faster than expected but you won’t be the only one to feel overwhelmed by this. You’re usually sensitive to what other people are going through but there’s so much going on that you might miss the signals they are sending to you. This is a time of the year when you should try to make allowance for the feelings of others.

You will be more in tune with your dreams and deepest desires so spend some time meditating on these and you will learn more about yourself and this will ultimately enhance your self-confidence

An intense discussion in March will help you understand why someone you work with has been touchy and temperamental in the past. Maybe you’ll always have your differences but at least the future of this relationship won’t be as fractious or troublesome as it was before and as a Libran, this will mean a lot to you.

In April, Mercury will be in the work and health sector of your chart. Your mood will be ambitious and sociable and a positive frame of mind will help give group projects the push they need to get them underway.

Mars will be in your sign in July making you more sociable, confident and energetic.

During the middle of the year you may wonder how to handle changing emotions when one minute you feel happy and the next, a little sad. One way might be to talk to a Piscean or Cancerian relative who is always at hand with a listening ear. Or you could channel your energies into sporting or creative pastimes.

The Sun is in your sign in October and you won’t be able to put a foot wrong when people will seem to worship the ground you walk on. Use this unexpected adulation to bring up past disagreements and after some calm discussion, you will soon get others to give in and go along with your suggestions.

Libra, push ahead with changes you have in mind for the home and your family life will be transformed in the autumn.

Also, if life lacks challenge or excitement, don’t think you can’t do anything about it. Learning new skills during the last few months of the year could be a plus if you’re seeking further qualifications, employment or plain and simple enjoyment. Why not take a look at what’s on offer in your area? Yes, as the year ends, new opportunities will sound too good to miss so be sure you’re at the start of the queue and look forward to even better things to come in the year 2013.

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