Symptoms of Hirschsprung Disease

A large intestine condition, Hirschsprung disease causes blockage and constipation. It typically is diagnosed in children, with the rare adult case. Some have complete blockage and are unable to pass any stool at all. Other than constipation, there can be other intestinal symptoms that can make life uncomfortable for a child.

Hirschsprung Disease Main Symptoms

Constipation and intestinal blockage are the two main symptoms of Hirschsprung disease, typically showing signs at birth. Other symptoms of the disease are common depending on the age of the child.

Symptoms of Hirschsprung Disease in Newborns

Newborn symptoms include not having a bowel movement in the first two days after birth. If this happens, it is generally thought to check the child for this condition. Other signs are green vomit, brown vomit, bloody diarrhea, gas, swelling of the abdomen, and explosive bowel movements after a doctor inserts a finer into the rectum.

Symptoms of Hirschsprung Disease in Children

In toddlers and older children, the symptoms are being unable to pass a bowel movement without laxatives or other help, swelling of the abdomen, lack of energy, slow growth, bloody diarrhea, and lots of gas.

Why Constipation is the Number One Symptom

Those with Hirschsprung disease do not have nerve cells in a section of their large intestine or they may not have those nerve cells in any part of the large intestine. These nerve cells signal the muscle to ease the bowel movement through the intestine to the anus. Without the nerve cells in place, there is no signal and stool stays in the large intestine.

Hirschsprung disease nearly always is seen at birth. It is only rarely seen later in children or adults. Typically, if you have a child with Hirschsprung disease your chances of having other children with the disease are greater.

Source: National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse

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