Is It okay to eat your own poop

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Is It okay to eat your own poop”,you can compare them.

No, it is not OK to eat your own poop. Poop is full of bacteria and parasites and many diseases like cholera & typhus. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is It okay to eat your own poop
Is it okay for RES turtles to eat their own poop??
they need more to eat…its not gonna hurt poo eatin is a good thing…just means they are hungry For their needed protein and calcium drop 20 or so feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows in the tank and watch them disappear in a few …

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Q: i have a crittertrail 2 and they like to sit in the petting zone, where they poop alot and sometimes they pick up poop and eat half of it!Also, it comes with a waterbottle that doesnt have the bead in the end and its just a hole, should i get a new one, or will they learn to drink out of it??Please hurry!I really need to know SOON!
A: I know it sounds disgusting, but this is quite normal behavior in rodents, and is of great nutritional importance. Droppings of partially digested food are excreted and then generally consumed immediately. this allows for the recovery of nutrients that were not utilized during the first pass through the digestive system. This is known as coprophagy. They also produce normal droppings of completely digested food which is garbage and is disposed of.
Is it okay for RES turtles to eat their own poop?
Q: I have four 1 year olds and when they poop they always go down and eat it. Is this okay? I feed them enough so I don’t think it’s because they are hungry.
A: they need more to eat…its not gonna hurt poo eatin is a good thing…just means they are hungryFor their needed protein and calcium drop 20 or so feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows in the tank and watch them disappear in a few days! When I got these two 36 yrs ago all we had in back then were goldfish to feed , so after 36 yrs and still going strong. They can eat goldfish! This way when they swim for their dinner they get exercise also! TOSS in a bird cuttle bone in the water for calcium that will promote better shell growth, it will dissolve real slow and if they eat it that’s fine!!They can have garden worms, meal worms, snails, crickets, flies, crayfish small frogs, slugs, tadpoles dragon flies and anything that moves, but only as a treat.They need leafy greens Romaine, Butter lettuce. (Iceberg and cabbage are bad for them, any other leafy greens will do) for vitamin A that they need at least 3 to 4 times a week.They love grapes and strawberries and squash..Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light UVA/UVB for up to 8 hrs a day for the vitamin D that they need to grow. So that means getting a turtle dock also.Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always. These turtles in captivity do not hibernate their eating may slow down some but they will not hibernate. These are not cuddly pets and will bite very very hard. Under 4″ they carry a disease called ‘salmonella’. So you must wash after every handling. These guys can become cannibalistic and will kill the smallest turtle if there is not enough room and food.
is it okay to eat your own poo?
Q: i got drunk last weekend and me and friends like to dare a lot. well, its not that i did it, but i had a kind of friend who ate some of it. he barfed, but he said to me he told me he feels kind of like somebody is banging his tummye. what’s wrong with him, is it okay to eat the poop?help! he might be sick!well we boiled it first, where not barbereans!
A: Did he salt and pepper it,, you need to season it a bit.
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