What will help a sore throat

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To help a sore throat drink lots of fluids. Tea & honey soothes a sore throat. Get a humidifier. See a doctor if lasts 5+ days! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-help-a-sore-throat ]
More Answers to “What will help a sore throat
What will help a sore throat?
how about a smack upside the head and a cup of rocky road ice cream. then a foot massage after an vanilla mint oil bath. lol hope you feel better !
What can help a sore throat?
If you are over 18 and can safely take aspirin, this is a sure-fire remedy. First, gargle with warm salt water, to clear out the mucous in your throat. Then, dissolve 2 aspirins in a cup of water. They won’t dissolve completely, but as soon…
How to help a sore throat
・ 1 Take a glass and fill it with about 8 oz of water. ・ 2 Next take a tablespoon of salt and put it in the water. ・ 3 Stir it around in the water for a few seconds. ・ 4 Now gargle the salt water until all the water is gone. ・ 5 This will e…

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A: Vitamin C drops are to be used only 4 times daily. If you need sore throat relief more often, a simple hard candy will be suffficient. There are really no medicine in cough drops, so that is why the candy reccomendation. Good Luck!
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A: Well, you should go to the doctor first and see if you have strep throat. If you DO have strep throat and are on medications, the maximum time it would last would be about a week.
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A: you can’thowever you may be lucky and the throat might not progress to a cold and settle within a few daysREST is half the curetake a paracetamol or sodon’t smoke never smokekeep fingers crossed for you
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