The Dangerous Combination of Children and Windows

Every year many children are injured from falls from windows. Just last week a 15 year old teen in our local church was injured in a fall from a window. As a worship song began there was a commotion from the back of the sanctuary and this young man fell out of the window.

Naturally, being a teen, everyone thought he’d been goofing off. It turned out he has a medical condition that causes dizziness when he stands too suddenly and he got dizzy and fell out of the window. He suffered a laceration to his arm, an abrasion to his trunk area and a mild concussion. He fell over 8 feet. He was blessed to have such seemingly minor injuries.

Teach Children Safety Precautions

Teach children not to lean against windows even if they are closed. Windows can easily break with the additional weight of a person leaning on them. Window falls tend to occur more frequently during spring and summer months. Make sure that older children aren’t encouraging younger children to climb around windows or through them. Older children often tease younger children into doing things that are dangerous without realizing that the younger children will take them seriously.

Window Guards and locks

Consider installing window guards on all windows at or above ground floor levels. Window guards should have a quick release mechanism to allow an adult to easily open the window in case of fire or other emergency. Install a lock that won’t allow the window to be opened beyond a specified point or simply lock the window shut entirely.

Window Screens

Remember that a window screen will not prevent a fall out of a window. The screen will simply go out of the window with the child.

Window Seats

Window seats look so inviting to sit on and relax. Unfortunately children don’t realize the danger of the window by the window seat. If there is a window seat in your child’s room make sure your child knows the proper way to sit on a window seat. Lean against a wall not the window and to not be throwing or using toys that could shatter a window. Window seats are a great place to read if a child is sitting properly and a window guard is in place.


Avoid placing furnishings against a window where a child could climb onto the furniture and fall out of the window.

Soft Landings

When doing landscaping consider placing softer bushes under windows in lieu of rocks or other decorative landscaping. If an accident does occur the chances of injury will be reduced.

Take a few minutes and teach young children the importance of not playing around windows or jumping out of them. The life you safe may just be your child’s.

Download a complete window falls fact sheet here.

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