Do i need a prescription for the day after pill

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Available without a prescription for women 18 and older. If you’re 17 or younger, you’ll need to see a healthcare professional. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do i need a prescription for the day after pill
Do you need a prescription for the day after pill?
No. Go to your drug store and buy it.
Where can i get “the day afte pill” without a prescript…?
It’s called “Plan B” in the United States, and it is available at any Rite Aid, Walgreen’s, or CVS.
Can I take a prescription Vitamin D pill and a chewable multivita…?
Vitamin D, Iron, Folic Acid are essential in pregnancy & lactation. Excessive use of these may cause various hazards. Due to a narrow therapeutic index, vitamin D and its preparations given in combination with each other or with pharmac…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you need a prescription for the day after pill?
A: No. Go to your drug store and buy it.
What do you do after 5 days of prescription pills and genital herpes outbreak still won’t go away???
Q: I am at the end of my 5 day prescription of acyclovir (400 mg). I took 3 pills every day and my genital herpes outbreak is still here. What should I do??This is my second outbreak in my whole life. The first outbreak was in April. Thank you for your help!!!
A: Acyclovir does not work as well as Valtrex. You may need to start take medication to suppress outbreaks instead of medicating for the outbreaks.The first year can be rough. Some people have to take 1 gram a day of Veltrex for a year to get there outbreaks under control. Even after that, some people have to take it forever.Did you know that aspartame can cause outbreaks. It is in diet soda, gum, and diet foods. You might notice outbreaks are less when you cut aspartame out of your diet.
I am taking the prescription diet pill phentermine 30mg a day. Will this show up as anphetmine in a drug test?
Q: I get this from a weight clinic that has a MD monthly to keep track my vitals. It is hard for me to get a note from him for verification of prescription.
A: it might, when you take a drug test, let them know all the medications you are taking, and they won’t hold it against you if you have a perscription for it.
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