Does it matter if I take the second Plan B pill before or after the twelve hour time frame

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Does it matter if I take the second Plan B pill before or after the twelve hour time frame”,you can compare them.

The second pill should be taken as close to 12 hours after the first pill as possible. This is because the pills are engineering to change hormone cycles, and the timing of the cycle is just as important as the hormones themselves. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does it matter if I take the second Plan B pill before or after the twelve hour time frame
Does it matter if I take the second Plan B pill before or after t…?
The second pill should be taken as close to 12 hours after the first pill as possible. This is because the pills are engineering to change hormone cycles, and the timing of the cycle is just as important as the hormones themselves. ChaCha!
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