Does pneumonia go away on its own

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People die from untreated pneumonia. You could have developed pleurisy or any medical problem. Please see a doctor immediately! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does pneumonia go away on its own
Does pneumonia go away on its own
People die from untreated pneumonia. You could have developed pleurisy or any medical problem. Please see a doctor immediately!
Will Pneumonia go away on its own?
Absolutely not! You must have antibiotics for pneumonia. Biaxin is a great antibiotic. As for why, could be many things. As we get older, happens to the best of us hon, everything stops working as well as it did in our 20s. Are you a smok…

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Will Pneumonia go away on its own?
Q: My employer just last week took away our health insurance, so I don’t want to go to the doctor unless it’s required, to get rid of this terrible pneumonia. Does anyone know any home remedy that will speed up this recovery? Also, I’ve never had this condition in 35 years. Now I’ve gotten it twice in two years! Why is that?
A: Absolutely not! You must have antibiotics for pneumonia. Biaxin is a great antibiotic. As for why, could be many things. As we get older, happens to the best of us hon, everything stops working as well as it did in our 20s. Are you a smoker, do you have allergies, sinus infections, outside in the cold? All of these could possible be factors, but I would ask the doctor when you go for the antibiotics! Pneumonia can kill you if left untreated! Good Luck.
My dog has pneumonia, how long does it take to go away?
Q: My little anna has pneumonia. The vets last week said it was an upper respitory infection, when i brought her back in today, they did a chest xray and said it was now in her lungs, they also said her white blood cell count is still up so she is working to fight this as hard as she can. they gave me some more medicine. its called bactrim. I am giving it to her twice daily and a pill 3 times a day. the vet said i should DEFINENTLY see improvement in the next 2 days and if not bring her back monday for a bronchial tube (sp) she is also still on clavamox. I just wanted to know if there is anything else i can do. i am also putting her with a vaporizer in the bathroom with the shower running to help her breathe better. Has anyone had a dog with pneumonia? and how long did it take there dog to get better. I will say that she was eating and drinking more on her own today. any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks!
A: That will depend on the type of pneumonia. If it is viral, it has to run its course so, 7-10 days is normal. If it is a bacterial type, the Bactrim should shorten this time substantially, say 3-5 days. There’s no easy way of knowing so a vet normally will prescribe the anti-biotic. However, monitor her closely (as I’m sure you are doing, especially with the vet’s warning of seeing improvement) and if she seems to take a turn for the worst, get her back to the vet as she may need to be put on IV, etc.
Is it common to still have a cough after getting over pneumonia?
Q: In mid-June I had a pretty bad case of pneumonia. They put me on several antibiotics and I was on steroids and all that fun stuff and the majority of my symptoms were gone within a week or so and I was able to go back to my regular life.However, I’ve noticed that I still have a little bit of a cough that just won’t go away. It’s not a real problem or anything, but it’s been almost two months and I’m starting to wonder why it hasn’t faded yet.I have asthma but I never had a recurring cough before I had pneumonia… It’s also usually the worst at night, but I don’t know why.Is it going to go away on it’s own, am I going to have to live with it, or should I call my doctor?
A: I had a very bad case of pneumonia several years ago & I coughed for quite a while after it was over. Pneumonia really takes it toll on ppl, ppl used to die from it. It will take close to a year before you body is completely healed. Whenever I do cough now it is a “barky” cough. I was told that was because my lungs were scarred. Whenever you have to have a Chest Xray, be sure & tell them you had pneumonia in the past or they will think that something is bad wrong with your lungs!
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