Does smoking cause strokes

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does smoking cause strokes”,you can compare them.

People who smoke cigarettes double their chances of having a stroke because the substances in tobacco such as nicotine narrow blood vessels. It also reduces the amount of oxygen in the body. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does smoking cause strokes
Does smoking cause strokes
People who smoke cigarettes double their chances of having a stroke because the substances in tobacco such as nicotine narrow blood vessels. It also reduces the amount of oxygen in the body.
Can smoking marijuana cause a stroke??
Stroke Risk Factors. Every 45 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke. A stroke can happen when: A blood vessel carrying blood to the brain is blocked by a blood clot. This is called an ischemic stroke, and A blood vessel breaks …
How Does Smoking Cause Strokes?
Summary: Smoking can cause a stroke when chemical exposure to nicotine leads to a hardening and narrowing of the arteries, which in turn causes decreased blood flow and oxygen. Identify stroke symptoms caused by smoking, including changes i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does smoking while taking birth control pills cause strokes ?
A: If a person smokes while taking birth control pills, dramatically increases their chance of getting DVT’s. These are blood clots. I’ve seen people with blood clots in their arms, legs, lungs. It a blood clot goes to the heart it becomes a heart attack. If a blood clot goes to the brain then that is a stroke. A clot stops the flow of blood and the tissue dies/ damage occurs. I am an ex-smoker. I loved to smoke. It was such as relaxer and stress buster. But look up some info about smoking. COPD is a condition that is almost always caused from smoking. It is were a person has lung damage and the are literaly drowning from the lack of air. They panic, because they can not get enough oxygen to supply their blood cells very well. Try kicking the habit. Your lungs and family will be proud of you.
Anyone know what can cause a stroke or heart diseases ?
Q: What can cause a stroke or heart diseases ? And if a person has a stroke or heart diseases than what will happen.I know smoking can cause a stroke or heart diseases , But what really is going on with a stroke or heart diseases is it a lack of blood?Okay is respiratory diseases the same has a heart diseases?
A: I’m not sure it can be from a lack of blood, but it can be from a build of plaque in arteries, especially the coronary arteries (supplies blood to heart) or carotid arteries(supplies blood to head). If plaque builds up over time , this can lead to a blood clot and can cause heart attack or stroke. Including, having high cholestoral promotes plaque build up.So summary:- build up of plaque (atherosclerosis)- Having high blood pressure- coronary spasms can cause heart attacks- high cholesterol These are some factors that can lead to causing heart diseases and stroke!p.s respitory disease has to do with lungs etc. and this does not contribute to heart attacks or strokes.
Why does the media hate smoking so much?
Q: I’m a smoker. I understand it is very addictive. I also know it causes lung cancer and other diseases. But why doesn’t the media have anti-alcohol ads? Alcohol destroys families. And I noticed the prescription drugs offered on tv? The side effects are MUCH worse than a pack a day (heart atttack, stroke, death, etc..) So why is smoking bashed so much by society and the media? And why is pot bashed so muched too, when cigarettes and alcohol are much more dangerous to your health? Serious answers please.
A: There is a lot of money to be made from alcohol and prescription drugs.There is a lot to be made from cigarettes as well but probably not as much.I am also a smoker and dont really understand why we get bashed so much.
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