Does weed make your face wrinkle

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Does weed make your face wrinkle”,you can compare them.

Yes, smoking can cause wrinkles on the face of smokers of cigarette and marijuana! Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does weed make your face wrinkle
Does weed make your face wrinkle
Yes, smoking can cause wrinkles on the face of smokers of cigarette and marijuana! Thanks for using ChaCha!

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Q: jus wondering how long youd have to be smoking weed for it to actually start making your face all wrinkled and such
A: i didnt know weed did that i thought it was just cigarettes
Does smoking weed affect your skin more than a cigarette?
Q: I dont smoke cigarettes, but I enjoy smoking weed with friends sometimes. Can it give you wrinkles faster than a cigarette? I know of a girl who’s about my age but she looks way older, in her face. I wonder if its bcuz of weed.
A: Hey wake and bake: Maybe Your question is the stupidest question ever! I have people, missy! Thanks for your input!BTW: In case you ‘Forgot” this is what a really smart question sounds like:Where can I get after-market used fallopian tubes w/super-charged ovaries & compatable uterus?? Media pressure has created the desire for me to open my legs for the dregs, and join in the rush to become another happy, drug-addicted pregnact teenager with bad grammar and spwlling issues. Actually this is a desperate cry to Jillibe@n to be my Babby-Daddy.EDIT: LOLOLOLOLOLOL…Hahahahahaha!
I know cigarettes change your face after a long time of smoking..does marijuana do the same thing?
Q: i smoke weed a lot, but i just want to know if smoking marijuana for a long time affects your face after awhile like cigarettes do (premature skin wrinkles being the most obvious)
A: The thing that causes most of the wrinkles is repetitive motion and diminished circulation. You would be using repetitive motion no matter what you are smoking!
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