How do I relieve pain in my Achilles Tendon

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Rest and over-the-counter medications to reduce your pain and inflammation may be all the treatment you need for Achilles tendinitis. ChaCha!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I relieve pain in my Achilles Tendon
How to perform more ankle exercises to help relieve pain in the A…?
Summary: How to perform more ankle exercises to help relieve pain in the Achilles tendon; get expert tips and instruction on caring for Achilles tendon injuries in this free physical therapy video.
How to perform a calf and Achilles stretch to help relieve pain i…?
Summary: How to perform a calf and Achilles stretch to help relieve pain in the Achilles tendon; get expert tips and instruction on caring for Achilles tendon injuries in this free physical therapy video.
What causes achilles tendon pain?
・ Foot position: uncontrolled over pronation (the foot rolling too far over on each foot fall) increases … ・ Tight calf muscles- this decreases the range of movement available at the ankle and increases foot pronation… ・ Inappropriate f…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Achilles tendon pain?
Q: My boyfriend ruptured his achilles tendon over a year ago and he constantly feels pain in that area. He says it feel like it is really tight and it aches. So far I am not aware of any treatments (except stretching) that can help his pain. He stretches it all the time and it helps but not alot. Pains meds don’t help either. I was curious if anyone has heard or used any methods of relieving the pain. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
A: sadly, stretching. i hurt my achilles when i broke my ankle over a month ago. and i hurt it when i was a lot younger. but all you can do is stretch it, lots. he should go to physical therapy if he isn’t already going.
I got a cast on my foot because of an achilles tendon injury. I have severe pain on the top of my foot. Why?
Q: I don’t know if it’s because the cast is too tight (my toes aren’t blue). My foot is pointed down. I’ve only had the cast on for about 36 hours. I’ve been taking Advil and Tylenol and it doesn’t relieve the pain at all. I don’t want to seem like a big baby, but this is hurting like crazy. I am about ready to go to the emergency room and have them cut it off.
A: Go back and get it checked. You should not have pain like that. It is not uncommon to have people with casts return after a day or two and have the cast redone because of pain, swelling or other problems. Sometimes the cast has pressure points and pain is a definite sign that you need to go back and get it changed as soon as possible. You could be developing nerve damage or getting an ulcer under the cast. It’s okay, go get it changed. It happens all the time.
How can I do to treat/prevent soreness in my achilles tendon?
Q: About a month ago I began my career in law enforcement. My duty uniform requires that I wear tactical type boots. My achilles tendon(s) do not bother me while wearing my boots but anytime I jog my achilles hurts badly, so bad to the point where I am unable to run (which sucks because I need to stay in shape for my job). I came across this article and think this may possible be my problem.”Women who wear high-heeled shoes often and switch to sneakers for exercise also can develop Achilles tendonitis. The Achilles tendon and lower leg muscles gradually adapt to a shortened position because the shoes prevent the heel from stretching all the way to the ground.When this occurs, wearing sneakers or flat shoes forces the Achilles tendon to stretch further than it is accustomed to, causing inflammation. If high heels are worn everyday, stretching should be done every morning and night to keep the Achilles tendon lengthened.”What if anything else can I do to relieve my pain?
A: i would suggest getting some like dr sholls sols for your shoes and when ever you dont have to where the shoes dont . you could even get a new apir of sheos if tha would help at all? work out your tendon …..
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