How do you heal tooth aches

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you heal tooth aches”,you can compare them.

For immediate relief from a toothache, soak a small cotton ball in a drop or two of clove oil. This is considered to be the more? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you heal tooth aches
Are my phantom tooth aches after extractions in OTHER teeth harml…?
What you are experiencing is not unusual. The nerve that supplied the tooth you had removed also supplies all of the teeth on that side of your mouth. What you are calling phantom pain is actually called referred pain. This is caused from t…

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Adult tooth ache. and there slightly loose. what can i do? and i chiped one of my front teeth 2. will it heal?
Q: chipped front tooth and iits loose. what will happen?i fell of my bmx today and face went first. so looks like a got a slighly loose tooth on front and its chipped. i know about the chip. tht can be sorted. but on about the loose tooth. it wasnt bleeding at all.. just slighly loose. and it hurts when i eat and drink something cold too. will the tooth tighten up?. i hope it will.
A: Oil Pulling has been known to FIX loose teeth meaning strengthen them back to how they originally were. I read an article a few days ago about a man fixing his loose tooth by oil pulling daily for a few days. If you do not know what it is, check out my site to learn more about it (you can read the article there to).
Are my phantom tooth aches after extractions in OTHER teeth harmless? Once healed, can those go away?
Q: Well…even after having my wisdom teeth pulled a week ago, and a horribly infected tooth (which had been previously root canaled/crowned) pulled on Friday….I am back online looking for help.I have had oodles of dental problems in my 31 years, and I am running out of teeth that I can lose.Why am I here now?In the healing process since my 3rd tooth was pulled 3 days ago…I have been experiencing pain in several other teeth. One is on the bottom on the same side that 3rd tooth was pulled (which was on the top). I have had some pain on the wisdom tooth side, just in front of where they were. And I am still feeling lingering pain in the vacant spot FROM that 3rd tooth.I know you can have a tooth ache that you feel in different areas in your mouth. I have heard a bit about “phantom” toothaches, much like when someone loses a limb, but they still feel it?Can anyone tell me if these feelings will disappear as all of these recent extractions heal? Or do I just have more tooth problems I can’t afford, emotionally or financially?And if they ARE real tooth issues….why wouldn’t the strong antibiotics I have been on for a two weeks now aid in these pains for the time being?Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!
A: What you are experiencing is not unusual. The nerve that supplied the tooth you had removed also supplies all of the teeth on that side of your mouth. What you are calling phantom pain is actually called referred pain. This is caused from the extraction site but is referred to an area ahead of the extracted tooth. It will go away as the extracted tooth heals up. Be patient as better days are coming. Antibiotics will not help unless there is infection present. I wish you good luck
Can a tooth ache/bad tooth cause head & eye aches?
Q: I am having a tooth pulled today because its been giving me problems when I eat and when im about ot go to sleep, I also started having head aches and my eye on the right side (the side the toothe is on) Was sort of hurtingI thought it was from wearing my contact lenses but i stopped wearing them to let my eye heal and its still a little sore. Could this be from the pain in my mouth?Wow..Some really good answers thanks..And Raptor that is truely interesting to know…maybe thats why I was having constant heart flutters last month before the eye thing started..
A: I’m glad you’re getting the tooth pulled today. A bad tooth can cause a lot more than headaches or eye pain. Research has shown that it can lead to heart attack and stroke as well as headache/eye pain. I had a systemic infection as a result of seven infected teeth and the best decision I could have made was to get them out.
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