How do you know the difference between a bad headache and a migraine

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Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cold hands, cold feet, and sensitivity to light and sound commonly accompany migraine headaches. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know the difference between a bad headache and a migraine
How do you know the difference between a bad headache and a migra…?
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cold hands, cold feet, and sensitivity to light and sound commonly accompany migraine headaches.

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Q: I’ve had a headache every day for a week and today was the same. Then about 3:00 I heard some loud music and suddenly my headache was a lot worse, throbbing and I felt really nauseaus. I had to go lie down and my head hurt so bad. Any light and sound made it 3x worse, which I’ve heard is a migraine. It finally went away about 2 hours later after laying down and taking Excedrin. How do you know the difference between a migraine and headache and is there anything a doctor can do or would he just tell me to take OTC medicine?
A: No, your headache is not necessarily a migraine. Both migraines and headaches can cause sensitivity to light, nausea, and sound. There is a type of headache called Daily Persistant Headache that causes all three of these symptoms. Migraines are typically one sided, and the pain is usually located near the front of the head (around one of your temples). There is definitely something a doctor a can do. If you are diagnosed with migraines, you can be put on preventative medication. This won’t eliminate your migraines, but it will help. Your doctor can also help prescribe you a medication to take when you get a migraine, such as Zomig, Imitrex, Midrin, or Axert. Here is a list of various types of migraines and headaches: . It may be of further help to you. Good luck, and I hope that you get to feeling better!
May I know the difference between migraine headache and acute cephalgia? Which one is worst between those two?
A: The medical term for headache is cephalalgia, so all acute cephalalgia is a short-term headache. It’s basically just your average headache.”Migraines are severe, throbbing, disabling headaches that usually affect only one side of the head. The pain often starts behind one eye and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and visual disturbances (variously described as ‘auras’, ‘shimmering lights’, or temporary ‘blind spots’).” They can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours.I’ve had migraines and from my experience, migraines are much, much worse than your average headache.
Whats the difference between a headache and migraine?
Q: ive been getting these really bad headaches ( i think i have tmj not sure yet) and well they are like killer… i get headaches almost everyday so im not overreacting or anything. and some of my headaches are in like weird spots on my head. sometimes they are on the top of my head. and sometimes they are in the back of my head and it feels like they are echoing around like somebody threw a bouncy ball inside my head…. and sometimes its like somethings stabbing me with a needle….. are these normal?
A: i have had migraines, and let me tell you…….you know them when you get one. A headache will make you hold your head and say “damn, my head hurts”. A migraine will bring you to your knees, holding your head in your hands, and cry “why won’t the pain stop”.. then you throw up, get dizzy, and basically start pleading with God to make it go away. A CT scan usually follows after the first one.
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