How do you make a scratch heal faster

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you make a scratch heal faster”,you can compare them.

Try using neosporin or even Vaseline with a bandaid. Thanks for asking! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you make a scratch heal faster
Can I make my scratch heal faster?
As long as it’s not infected, I would try putting Neosporin on it. It’s an antibiotic ointment meant to heal scratches & cuts faster than without. You can also buy the store brand or other “sporin” type ointment. I’m not a doc…
How can I make my scratches heal much faster??
Put some topical anti-biotic and some cream that could keep it from itching i.e. lanacane.
How can i make scratches heal or go away really fast ??
Use Neosporin. You can get it at the drugstore.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can I make my scratch heal faster?
Q: I have a large scratch on my face. Its very red, irritated, and the edges are dry and flakey. Is there any way I can make this heal faster?
A: As long as it’s not infected, I would try putting Neosporin on it. It’s an antibiotic ointment meant to heal scratches & cuts faster than without. You can also buy the store brand or other “sporin” type ointment. I’m not a doctor, but I have used this ointment for this type of treatment and it has helped enormously. Good luck!
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Q: It hurts so bad, so i want it to heal a lot faster than a normal scratch, please help.
A: Use Neosporin and don’t touch it.
Any tricks to heal a scratch faster?
Q: I have to be in a wedding next week and I just got scratched by a dog today in a pretty noticeable area. Does anyone have any tricks that will help it heal faster than with just Neosporin?
A: well definitely use neosporin at night and any other time possible…and try no to mess with it let the scab form as soon as possible..and try not to get it wet when taking a bath. Some people use maderma scar but that really won’t help it heal faster just have less of a scar when it does heal
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