How does Ritalin affect the brain

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Ritalin affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does Ritalin affect the brain
How does Ritalin Affect the Brain?
Ritalin is a central nervous system stimulant, similar to amphetamines in the nature and duration of its effects. Ritalin activates the brain stem arousal system and cortex. Pharmacologically, it activates the neurotransmitter dopamine, and…
How does Ritalin affect the synapse?
Ritalin (Methylphenidate), affects the synapse in a way that is similar to amphetamines, however in a more mild manner. It is an agonist to Dopamine and Norepenephrine; neurotransmitters in our brain that regulate arousal and attention. Nor…
How Ritalin affects the brain
The study’s a few years old, but since we recently talked about ADHD on Episode 13 of the podcast, here’s some info: A study posted in the November 2006 issue of the journal Biological Psychiatry suggests the possible mechanism by which Rit…

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How does Ritalin affect the brain, specifically?
Q: Methylphenidate (commonly prescribed under the name Ritalin), acts as a CNS stimulant, but where specifically? What happens. I need sources to use in my research paper.thanks!
A: Try these: just google search for: ritalin mechanism of actionThe basic gist is blocks the reuptake mechanism of dopaminergic neurons; appears to stimulate the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures similar to amphetamines
How does Methylphenidate (Ritalin) Work?How does it affect the brain?
A: Ritalin ® is a potent drug that is over prescribed as a “quick fix” by practitioners who may not be fully aware of the long term side effects or the damage these potent drugs can do. Furthermore, the use of rather subjective diagnostic tests for ADHD has resulted in extensive misdiagnosing of the condition. A recent published study showed that 8 of 9 children diagnosed with ADHD did not in fact, have True ADHD. Another report given before Congress stated a similar value of 90-95% misdiagnoses.The street drug name for this is Vitamin R, RIt’s similar to both amphetamines and cocaine, although its effects are generally milder and less pleasurableRitalin’s effects begin shortly after ingestion and last about three hours. At low doses, methylphenidate increases alertness and focus, while blocking hunger and fatigue. Objective effects include increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. ohhh….sounds like the making for a new diet pill. Ritalin is the brand name for methylphenidate. Experts still aren’t sure exactly how it works. It is a stimulant. Methylphenidate affects the way a patient’s brain responds to impulses. The purpose is to help the brain be more selective in the way it filters and responds to various stimuli. Ritalin is used to treat narcolepsy, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). One a personal note:I admit most drugs have their place in our lives.However, I become concerned when I hear of cases where children are being over medicated. When I hear agencies such as the Children’s Aid society is obtaining these drugs to medicate kids that could be treated without this drug, I have to question the motives and you should too. If this drug must be used on a child, I would suggest getting several recommendations, finding other alternatives, support from family/friends and then come to a solution for treatment. Of course, if the intent of the question is not for a child and more for the street value……well, I am always looking for a better diet pill. 😉 *legal notice*Unless otherwise stated, this answer is for information only. The writer had used all reasonable care and skill in compiling the content of this answer but makes no warranty as to the accuracy of any information in this answer and cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions.You agree to indemnify and hold me harmless from any loss, liability, claim or demand, including attorney’s fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of this answer, including your use of provided links to another site or to upload content or other information to my answer.
How does Ritalin work?
Q: How does ritalin work. How does it affect the brain and neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, the effects if you have too much or too little on mental processes and behaviorok i know some things. Its used in the treatment of ADHD, it affects dopamine levels. but i need to know what effects it had on the brain really. its for a Psychology class
A: Methylphenidate (Ritalin) is a derivative of amphetamine. It is central nervous system (CNS) stimulant.The pharmacology of Methylphenidate is not as well understood as amphetamines or cocaine. Methylphenidate is a norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor. This means that the Methylphenidate will increase the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine by partially blocking the ability of the neurotransmitters to reenter the presynaptic neuron (where it originally came from). Methylphenidate blocks the dopamine transporter (DAT) and norepinephrine transporter (NET), the transporters remove the neurotransmitter from the synapses. Methylphenidate will also stimulate the release of dopamine and norepinephrine from the presynaptic neuron. The additional neurotransmitters allows for about 50% of the receptor sites to be occupied by a neurotransmitter. This is similar to cocaine because cocaine also causes about 50% of the receptor sites to be filled. However, cocaine typically causes euphoria, Methylphenidate rarely causes euphoria at any therapeutic dosage.It is thought that Methylphenidate could interact with serotonin however most evidence indicates that it does not. There is some evidence of receptor affinity for 5HT (serotonin subunits). Despite that, there is no evidence of direct binding to the serotonin but it can not be known for sure.Methylphenidate is the closest drug to cocaine but cocaine does have more affinity for the dopamine receptor and cocaine has more risk do to its significant cardiac interactions.A rank in the power of the “powerful” stimulants would rank Methylphenidate last, Cocaine would be second and the most powerful are amphetamines, three primary drugs, l-amphetamine, d-amphetamine, and d-methamphetamine. However, studies have shown that either drug can produce a similar euphoria. Amphetamines like Adderall (l-/d-amphetamine mix) have a slightly more “likeability” compared to Methylphenidate. Methylphenidate could release just under 200 units of dopamine (it would need a large dose to do that). Cocaine will release 200 units (or a bit more) and d-methamphetamine can release 1,200 units of dopamine, the highest of any drug.The human brian can only release (naturally) 100 units of dopamine and only for a very short time (seconds). Most of Methylphenidate’s actions occur in the Prefrontal cortex, an area that is typically under-stimulated in people with ADHD. Thus giving a stimulant will stimulate a part of the brain that needs additional stimulation. With the additional stimulation, it is believed, people have better control over behaviors, impulses, and so on.And Methylphenidate’s use in sleep disorders is, of course, due to its ability to allow people to stay awake and alert. Often people using stimulants as a treatment for a sleep disorder take much higher doses than a person with ADHD would.
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