How much exercise does it take to lose one pound of fat

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3500 calories is the rough estimate for the energy contained in one pound of fat. This means that to lose one pound per week, you must create a deficit of 3500 calories per week. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much exercise does it take to lose one pound of fat
How much exercise does it take to lose one pound of fat
3500 calories is the rough estimate for the energy contained in one pound of fat. This means that to lose one pound per week, you must create a deficit of 3500 calories per week. ChaCha!
How much exercise does it take to lose 1 pound of fat?
Yes calories are stored as fat so you burn calories, you lose fat. So you need to burn 3500 calories to lose 1lb of fat. Im not sure what that is in exercise but there are online calculators which will tell you.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much exercise does it take to lose 1 pound of fat?
Q: I want to know so i can keep track on how much I am working out everyday which is over 70 min of cardio and 30 min of lifting(sit-ups, push-up) Is burning calories the same as burning fat?
A: It takes 3500 burnt calories to burn 1 pound of fat, and yes, basically, it’s the same thing.
How much exercise do I have to do to lose one pound of fat?
Q: Please give examples that would be easy to understand.
A: Different forms of exercise, at varying intensities, will burn different amounts of calories. I’m a 160-pound woman and I walk at a speed of about three miles per hour; my doctor tells me this will burn about 100 calories per mile. She also says there are 3500 calories in a pound (don’t know where she got that number); therefore, I have to walk 35 miles to burn off a pound. Whew! Running would burn the same amount of calories in slightly less time; running up stairs or cycling uphill would burn even more (but I don’t run, too painful for the joints). There are websites where these things are calculated, you could look it up.
How much exercise is necessary to build up one pound of muscles and to lose one pound of fat?
A: To gain one pound you need to eat 3500 extra calories. Muscle is heavier than fat. When on a diet, measure around the belly, a scale is not a good method of determning if your diet is working. There are charts all over the internet telling you how much calories you will burn doing a particular exercise.Don’t diet, the chances of it failing are overwhelming. A better choice is to change the way you live your life. The weight will come off naturally and you won’t have to drive yourself crazy in the process.
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