Is Darvocet safe to take while pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Is Darvocet safe to take while pregnant”,you can compare them.

If prescribed by your doctor, Darvocet is totally and completely safe during pregnancy. Ask your doctor if you have concerns. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is Darvocet safe to take while pregnant
Is it safe to take darvocet n100 while pregnant?
My Dr. prescribed that for bad head aches i’ve been getting with pregnancy. so it’s safe, but only if it’s been approved by your Dr. for you while he had the knowledge that you’re pregnant, as everyone is different.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it safe for me to take Darvocet while pregnant?
A: Check with your doc just to be certain, as each individual situation will warrant what the patient should do; however, it is contraindicated at least for the last 3 months of pregnancy. Darvocet does appear in breast milk, also. Only you and your doc can decide if it’s right for you to continue taking it. Good luck and best wishes.
is it safe to take darvocet n100 while pregnant?
Q: my doctor prescribed them to me along with antibiotic for a uti but i’m still a lil worried about taking themi’m only nine weeks and i double asked him before i left the office i just still dont feel for sure
A: My Dr. prescribed that for bad head aches i’ve been getting with pregnancy. so it’s safe, but only if it’s been approved by your Dr. for you while he had the knowledge that you’re pregnant, as everyone is different.
Anyone else ever been put on darvocet while pregnant?
Q: My OB put me on them to help with migraines I have a lot due to a truamatic brain injury I had before I got pregnant,where I had to have half my skull removed and replaced. They’re on an as needed basis,not a daily thing,and I don’t take them every day. I just wanted to know if anyone else has been put on these while pregnant,I know it’s thought of to be a “safer” alternative to pain medicines while pregnant,although I know that with each medicine there’s a risk. Anyone else ever been put on darvocet?
A: not darvocet..i was given vicodin for a bad knee though..i took 1-2 about 3 times a week and my son is fine.
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