Is it possible to get rid of hepatitis b

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Although none of the available drugs can clear or cure the Hepatitis B infection, they can stop the virus from replicating, and minimize liver damage. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to get rid of hepatitis b
Is it possible to get rid of hepatitis b
Although none of the available drugs can clear or cure the Hepatitis B infection, they can stop the virus from replicating, and minimize liver damage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it possible to get rid of chronic hepatitis b?
Q: in other words if you still have it after the acute stage will you always have it, or is it still possible for the body to fight off the infection?
A: There is no known cure for hepatitis B. Thus, prevention is the best option to dealing with this disease. Currently, the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medicines for treatment of hepatitis B are interferon alpha and lamivudine. Interferon alpha, which is administered via injections, often has side effects, some of which may be severe, and is usually used only for persons whose liver enzyme tests are abnormal. The FDA recently approved Lamivudine in December 1998 for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in adults. This DNA polymerase inhibitor was originally used for treatment of HIV, and unlike interferon alpha, is available in oral form and appears to have fewer side effects. However, there is a significant risk of viral mutations leading to drug resistance thereby diminishing the drug’s effectiveness. Please consult a physician regarding the therapeutic benefits and side effects of any of these treatments.
i am suffering from chronic hepatitis B and i also have mild jauindice ranging from 2 to 4 units…. and i to?
Q: i want get rid of jauuindice or at least keep it as low as possible .. i have hepatitis B for over 4 years now and this jauindice has always been there. i am acrive in sports and i do weight training too and i cant give them up.. is there a way to keep my bilirubin level low..
A: There is a treatment that is being given for the hepatitis B Infection.. It is a shot that is given once a week, for 6 months.. There are a chance of totally eradicating it and or putting it into remission… I don’t know the name of the injection, my brother is on the treatment currently.. It has a few side effects, including depression, but has a high outcome of remission in patients.. Talk to your doctor and ask him about it…
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