Is there any side effects of extenze

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there any side effects of extenze”,you can compare them.

Some side effects of Extenze, which contains Yohimbe, include anxiety, heart attacks and nausea in some people. ChaCha again? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there any side effects of extenze
Are there any side effects? information to popular extenze questi…?
No. Extenze has been taken by millions of people worldwide. It is 100% natural male enhancement product and pharmaceutically produced right here in the USA. Because of its natural makeup and production process it results in absolutely zero …
What are the side effects of Extenze Pills?
The levels of DHEA and pregnenolone are too high and those hormones are not recommended for teenagers. Both can cause symptoms such as breast development in males, body hair and scalp hair loss, and other hormone-related side effects such a…
What are extenze pill side effects?
The side effects of Extenze are a diminishing bank account, and a penis that doesn’t grow, leading to denial and depression

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

do you know any side effect about extenze?
Q: do you know any side effect about extenze? does really work? your pennis get big ?
A: these so called enlargement pills have not been tested by the fda in other words no one knows what side effects they have on the body but, if they do work you will have to take them for life.once you quit then it would go back to its normal size. its supposed to increase bloodflow to that area and thats what makes it bigger
What are the side effects of Extenze Pills?
A: The levels of DHEA and pregnenolone are too high and those hormones are not recommended for teenagers. Both can cause symptoms such as breast development in males, body hair and scalp hair loss, and other hormone-related side effects such as predisposition to prostate cancer.
what are extenze pill side effects?
A: DEATH jkjk idk
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