What are the health affects of doing cocaine

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the health affects of doing cocaine”,you can compare them.

There is no safe way to use cocaine. Side effects include increased energy, decreased appetite, mental alertness, increased MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-health-affects-of-doing-cocaine ]
More Answers to “What are the health affects of doing cocaine
What are the health affects of doing cocaine
There is no safe way to use cocaine. Side effects include increased energy, decreased appetite, mental alertness, increased MORE?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what does cocaine do to your body & health??
Q: my friend does cocaine alot!and wanted me to try it but i told him no way!!i was just curious about how it affected your health and what exactly could it do to you..i know that before he started doing it he used to bit a bit chunkier but he looked healthy.and now he’s extra skinny.its from the coke right?well i want to know what harm it does to you so i can tell him because honestly i think he doesn’t have a clue cus he inhales that stuff like its air.
A: They believe that meth and cocaine use is part of the rise in schizophrenia now. the skinny is from cocaine, will also make cheek bones more promontory, (hence the crack-ho look). here is a good website that explains a lot about coke use. He may be feeling on top of the world but in the long run, he is doing so much damage… may not show up for years but it will be there..http://www.healthtouch.com/bin/EContent_HT/cnoteShowLfts.asp?fname=02403&title=COCAINE+ABUSE+&cid=HTHLTHhttp://alcoholism.about.com/od/coke/a/effects.htm
How does cocaine/crack affect your life?
Q: I’m doing a health project on crack. No i don’t do drugs.i just need a few points on how crack/cocaine negatively effects your life.so far i got:-crack is expensive so it could bring you to debt-you will lose friends because of your weird behavior-it could affect your future life because crack can affect your fertility.I need a few moree..help please?thnx.
A: i don’t remember the long term affects but sniffing can give u nose cancer
how does cocaine affect sex? answers only from experienced users please?
Q: dont need to hear none of the health crap but im just wondering if it will shrink my wee wee or will it be the same.
A: Your cash and prizes will be fine – you can actually expect some more stamina if you time things our right.
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