What can you do to stop the itching from a sunburn

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Home treatment measures may provide some relief from a mild sunburn. Use cool cloths on sunburned areas. Take frequent cool showers or baths. Apply soothing lotions that contain aloe vera to sunburned areas. Topical steroids may also help with pain & swelling. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-do-to-stop-the-itching-from-a-sunburn ]
More Answers to “What can you do to stop the itching from a sunburn
How to Stop a Sunburn From Itching
・ 1 Take a cool shower. Use only a very mild soap in the shower, and only if necessary–otherwise, just… ・ 2 Apply a topical anesthetic to the burned and itchy areas. These anesthetics are sold as sprays or creams… ・ 3 Spread aloe vera …
What can i put on really bad sunburn to stop it itching??
Yes, you may put only aloe vera gel. Do not use any antibiotics creams or antiseptic ones, paradoxically they can cause infection. Give it a time to heal. Best wishes.
How do i stop my sunburn from itching??
believe it or not vinager works but if you can’t stand the smell try vasoline. keeping it well moisturized(with no perfume scents) helps sooth the itch. good luck im pale & live in arizona i know sunburn pain believe me!

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A: if you itch it too much, it will blister and peel. put some fragrance-free lotion on it (or petroleum jelly) or put aloe Vera on it. that should do the trick!
how do i stop my sunburn from itching?
Q: i have severe itching on my chest from a sunburn that i acquired a couple days agoany home remedy’s known to get rid of the itching? what product works best in the stores?
A: believe it or not vinager works but if you can’t stand the smell try vasoline. keeping it well moisturized(with no perfume scents) helps sooth the itch. good luck im pale & live in arizona i know sunburn pain believe me!
How can I stop unbearable sunburn itching? Is hydrocortisone cream bad for sunburn?
Q: I revieved a severe sunburn 2 days ago. It hurt pretty bad, and still does but that’s nothing compared to the itching. I am taking codeine for the pain which doc reccomended but it doesn’t work that well and I am wondering if that might be causing some of the itch. I am also using some “After sun rescue balm” made by clinique that had vitamin E, peppermint, and barley as advertised ingerdients. But no aloe which I have read is excellent. The itching and pain get way worse after putting this on so idk if I am going to use it anymore. After putting that on and experiencing worsening pain and itching I decided on using hyrdocortisone cream which helped a little. I am wondering what else I can do to stop the itching because I am going insane and soon I’m going to do something stupid like slicing myslef open with my nails but I’m afraid that even then I’ll just make the pain worse and still have the incessant itch. Please help, I’m losing my mind.
A: For a quick fix before you do yourself any permanent injury, place an ice cube on the burn and move it around. The shock of the cold will stop the itch dead. Be warned though, this only works as long as the skin remains cold.Then go to the chemists and pick up any of the excellent aloe vera gel products. As close to 100% pure as you can get it. And just slather that on…pretend you’re buttering toast, and you just LOVE butter. Replace as often as needed for itch relief. In the beginning this may be as much as once every 30 minutes. Your skin is itching so badly because your damaged skin is so dry. You need to replace as much moisture as your skin can take. This means drinking a lot of water as well. I suggest a 500 ml glass every hour.Then, when your skin has recovered somewhat by losing much of it’s redness, or has begun to peel (in a couple of days) replace the aloe vera gel with vitamin A, D & E cream. All of these vitamins promote skin health. There are super-absorbent creams that contain all of them. The most important for skin repair is the Vitamin A, so if all you can find is a lotion with this, then use that, and take a Vitamin E supplement instead. I don’t recommend anyone taking a Vitamin D supplement, as it is very easy to take toxic levels of this if you don’t know what you’re doing. Instead you could buy milk or juice that is fortified with Vitamin D, and drink that instead. And from now on, do not ever go out in the sun this summer again without a high SPF sunscreen on. Your skin is going to be prone to easy damage for a long time. Give it a real chance to heal properly. Do you know that every burn at a young age promotes the chance of developing malignant skin cancer later in life?
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