What do babies dream about that makes them smile in their sleep

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It’s been scientifically proven that babies dream, but nobody will really ever know what they dream of. ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-babies-dream-about-that-makes-them-smile-in-their-sleep ]
More Answers to “What do babies dream about that makes them smile in their sleep
What do babies dream about that makes them smile in their sleep?
It’s been scientifically proven that babies dream, but nobody will really ever know what they dream of. ChaCha for now!

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sometimes while sleeping-and even when awake-some babies smile also there are no one with them?
Q: well-what is the exact reason-why babies smile during their sleeps or when awake-sometimes,when there are no one with them aslo -they smile-some say that,that GOD or an angel are speaking with them-do we know the real reason-is it what they sees in their dreams that make them smile?
A: Hi JohnThe answer is most likely that smiling is instinctive. That is to say, babies seem to start out with only two basic ways of communicating/getting attention – crying and smiling/laughing.They will do most of (a) what they see most, because they do imitate what they see, and (b) whichever gets the best/most consistent results.Here’s an experiment you can do with any newborn baby (i.e. only a few MINUTES old). I’ve heard many examples of it working, never heard of it failing: – Hold the baby up so it can see your face – Make sure s/he has his/her eyes open – Stick your tongue out. – The baby will stick its own tongue out.It’s certainly true that babies have very little brain compared to what they will have later on, but there are apparently actions right from the beginning, mainly to do with establishing a bond with the primary carer, which suggest that babies DO have a rudimentary understanding of how to control their facial expressions.Why do they smile in their sleep?Who knows.With experiments on adults you can wake them up if a certain expression appears and ask them what they were dreaming about.You can’t really do that with babies, can you ;-(
What do babies dream ?
Q: Its just amazing looking at my baby smile while she sleeps, and I always wonder what she might be dreaming of.Is it what they lived during that day? Angels around them making them smile?
A: I think its the angels come to visit….and when they “cccoooo” at nothing when they’re awake…. same thing… the angels come to say hi and check on them!
What do newborn babies dream about?
Q: My 2 week old son flinches, twiches, makes noises, smiles, etc in his sleep. Is it already possible that he’s dreaming & if so what about? I can’t imagine what he thinks/dreams about considering he hasn’t had much life experience….
A: I wish they could talk so we could ask them! I’ve wondered that too!Probably simple things, maybe being born. Maybe he smiles when he dreams about me breast feeding him or that cool new toy that lights up or something. Or maybe he’s smiling at the angels whispering things into his ear. Who knows!
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