What do you put on a cat scratch

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Clean the wound with soap and running water. Then clean it with an antiseptic like peroxide and apply an antibiotic cream. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-put-on-a-cat-scratch ]
More Answers to “What do you put on a cat scratch
What do you put on a cat scratch
Clean the wound with soap and running water. Then clean it with an antiseptic like peroxide and apply an antibiotic cream.
What can you put on a scratch for a cat?
After you clean the scratch site with hydrogen peroxide, put antibiotic cream on it. If you are referring to a cat scratch on, say, a dog, watch very carefully for fever or inflammation of the site. If your dog exhibits these symptoms, get …
Should I put ice on a swelled eyelid from a cat scratch.?
Peroxide, if left on the skin, causes scarring. Please be sure it is rinsed off or you will have more problems from the peroxide than the scratch. If you are not already aware of the symptoms of cat scratch fever (fever, headache, swollen l…

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Q: I just moved in with some friends who have a small kitten and apparently I’m allergic. It doesn’t bother me respiratory wise, but when she scratches me it gets red and swells up like a mosquito bite. It stays like that for a couple of hours. It looks and itches like a mosquito bite. What should I do?
A: wash it with soap and water and put some antibiotics ointment on it and cover it. you can use some ice to reduce any swelling. Cat scratches get enflamed easily, it doesn’t mean you are allergic.
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Q: 2 scratches about 8 inches long and they are deep scratches how could i reduce the appearance or remove them? Any suggestions will help because i don’t know what to do!
A: Use beeswax furniture polish, this will fill the scratches and polish at the same time.
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Q: my 2 cats were playing a little too rough and one of them got a scratch behind her ear. it isn’t too bad but it’s bleeding.will it be safe to put some neosporin on it?
A: you should use peroxide to clean up blood on it’s skin/fur. Peroxide is ok to clean the wound the first time (minor scrapes only) but after that it actually starts to kill the good bacteriaYou CAN use neosporin, it won’t hurt, she’ll probably just try to “paw” it off anyway, but make sure its dry by the time you let her go.
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