What does flouride do for your teeth

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Flouride helps in preventing tooth decay because it helps to harden tooth enamel. Thank you for choosing ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-flouride-do-for-your-teeth ]
More Answers to “What does flouride do for your teeth
What does flouride do to your teeth?
Actually I think it just cleans of the plaque with bacteria killers in the liquid.
Why Is Fluoride Important To Teeth?
When teeth are attacked by acid from our diet and acid produced by the bacteria in the mouth, they loose calcium and phosphate minerals. This is called demineralization. Once the acid level drops, the teeth can reabsorb some minerals; this …
How does fluoride help prevent tooth decay?
in the mouth, resulting in acid on the tooth surface. This removes minerals from the tooth enamel and can lead to dental caries. As a topical effect, fluoride in saliva interacts with the minerals on the tooth surface to replace all the los…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does flouride do for your teeth?
Q: Have been asked by my dentist to just use flouride toothpaste and mouthwash but to also smear this toothpaste over teeth and leave on overnight.
A: flouride kills plaque! neverswallow a flouride toothpaste (hence it says dont swallow) as it is an acid like thing that kills plaque! never heard about leaving on teeth over night btu could od a good job! most tooth pssates these days have flouride such as colgate and Mccleans etc! i like colgate extra whitening and ther eis a new one colgate depe clena it has bicarbonate of soda which is like an exfoilator for teeths and ur teeth are extra clean and it has added whitener in it its wicked!
Is flouride really that good for your teeth?
Q: I only want answers from people who have actually heard about this or have researched it.I heard that flouride isn’t all that great for your teeth after all and that it can be somewhat harmful.Thanks so much for everyones answers. That really helps 🙂
A: I always recommend this site when it comes to fluoride: http://www.doctorspiller.com/fluoride.htm He’s an experienced dentist who writes in plain English and treats the issue even-handedly. You may want to give it a read.
What happens when your teeth get flouride?
Q: what do they do ?
A: Fluoride can exist naturally in water sources, be added to your water source, or lastly be applied topically by your dentist and is derived from fluorine, the thirteenth most common element in the Earth’s crust. It is well known that fluoride helps prevent and even reverse the early stages of tooth decay.Fluoride combats tooth decay in two ways. It strengthens tooth enamel, a hard and shiny substance that protects the teeth, so that it can better resist the acid formed by plaque. Fluoride also allows teeth damaged by acid to repair, or remineralize, themselves. Fluoride cannot repair cavities, but it can reverse low levels of tooth decay and thus prevent new cavities from forming.Though fluoride benefits adults, it is especially critical to the health of developing teeth in children. And despite all the good news about dental health, tooth decay remains one of the most common diseases of childhood. According to 2000 statistics from the U.S. Surgeon General, more than half of children ages 5 to 9 years have had at least one cavity or filling, and tooth decay has affected 78% of 17-year-olds.As of 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics show that almost 66% of the U.S. population receives fluoridated water through the taps in their homes. Some communities have naturally occurring fluoride in their water; others add it at water-processing plants.Some parents purchase bottled water for their children to drink instead of tap water. The growing bottled water industry claims that bottled water is safer, purer, mineral-free, and better tasting, and that may be true in some cases. But most bottled waters also lack fluoride. Fluoridated bottled water is one exception – it can sometimes be found in the baby-food aisle at the grocery store, usually labeled as baby water or nursery water.Your child’s doctor or dentist may know whether local water supplies contain adequate levels of fluoride (between 0.7 and 1.2 parts fluoride per million parts of water). If your water comes from a public system, you could also call your local water authority or public health department, or check online at the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) database of local water safety reports. If you use well water or water from a private source, fluoride levels should be checked by a laboratory or public health department.The Controversy Over FluorideYou may have heard that the addition of fluoride to the water supply is dangerous and damaging. Some advocacy groups publish reports on the hazards of fluoridation, and they point to toxicity warnings on toothpaste, concluding that any substance needing such careful dosage must be dangerous.In response to claims that water fluoridation is dangerous, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reviewed research on dental cavities prevention and public policy, including fluoridation. It agreed with antifluoride activists that many studies in this area are of poor quality. However, the NIH panel concluded that the unevenness of research does not invalidate the clear benefits of fluoride. The NIH believes that the dramatic reductions in tooth decay in the past 30 years are due to fluoridation of the water supply, and parents and health professionals should continue to ensure that kids receive enough fluoride to prevent cavities.
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