What does Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C do to your body

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Hepatits is a viral disease (that cannot be cured) that attacks and scars your liver and causes Cirrhosis. You may need a liver transplant if you do not take your daily medication appropriately. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-hepatitis-b-and-hepatitis-c-do-to-your-body ]
More Answers to “What does Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C do to your body
What does Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C do to your body
Hepatits is a viral disease (that cannot be cured) that attacks and scars your liver and causes Cirrhosis. You may need a liver transplant if you do not take your daily medication appropriately. ChaCha!
How do Chronic Hepatitis B and C affect the body ??
In chronic hepatitis B or C, the virus may continue to cause injury to the liver over a period of time, possibly resulting in severe liver damage, liver failure, or even liver cancer. This is very serious because the liver is one of the mos…
Which body fluids can transmit hepatitis B, C, and HIV (potential…?
HIV is spread from person to person through blood, semen, and less frequently in vaginal secretions and breast milk.
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