What does THC do to you when you are high

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What does THC do to you when you are high”,you can compare them.

The user will likely feel, along with intoxication, a dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, some loss of coordination and poor (more) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-thc-do-to-you-when-you-are-high ]
More Answers to “What does THC do to you when you are high
What does THC do to you when you are high
The user will likely feel, along with intoxication, a dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, some loss of coordination and poor (more)
How does thc get you high?
Actually, Thc is what gets you high!
Can turtles get high off THC?
lol I’m sure they can, they still have blood and lungs and not much of an immune system. They probably could contract swine flu and get high, or even drunk

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: when a diabetic has high blood sugar it causes frequent urination….. and my school has random drug test..i dont smoke weed but i wanted to know if THC leaves the body faster then a person without diabetes..
A: Stay of the weed it is not worth risking your health by letting you blood sugars go out of control and all the problems it leads to
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A: Go this web-site and look on the bottom of the last table. http://www.ipassedmydrugtest.com/drug_detection_times.asp
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Q: I want like an in-depth answer. Also, what chemicals make up the THC?
A: i cant help you with the first one, if your in highschool just take health class, theyll tell you,they told me but i forgot,but the second one is Tetrahydrocannabinoli remember that onehaha
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