What is a bunion and how do you treat it

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The common bunion is a localized area of enlargement of the inner portion of the joint at the base of the big toe. It can become inflamed with redness, tenderness and pain. To treat take ibuprofen and rest your foot and/or wear loose sandals. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-bunion-and-how-do-you-treat-it ]
More Answers to “What is a bunion and how do you treat it
What’s a bunion and how can it be treated?
A bunion is a bone deformity in which a re-angulated or enlarged big toe joint causes the big toe to angle toward the other toes. It can be caused by genetics, foot injury or loose joint movement and is often aggravated by shoes that force …
How to treat a bunion?
If the deformation is not too severe, some “braces” and other provisions (such as physical therapy, wearing wider shoes, frequent changing of shoes etc.) might help. Surgery is an “option”. Warning: there are – as always…
How are Bunions Treated?
If a bunion is not painful or severe, your doctor may recommend that you wear a different style of shoes. Or you may be prescribed custom-made shoe inserts (orthoses) to control incorrect foot mechanics. For painful or severe bunions, bunio…

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How to treat a bunion??
Q: My friend was diagnoised with a bunion! He is in constant pain. Does anyone know any home remedies to help sooth the pain?
A: If the deformation is not too severe, some “braces” and other provisions (such as physical therapy, wearing wider shoes, frequent changing of shoes etc.) might help.Surgery is an “option”. Warning: there are – as always – risks involved; From own experience, I can tell you it doesn’t hurt anymore, but it’s probably because the toe is all numb now (scarring and nerve damage) and range of motion is less than it was before). I regret the procedure and would not recommend it unless there is severe deformation/excruciating/unbearable pain.
Anyone suffer with a painful bunion if so how do you treat it.?
Q: Is there anything special that irritates and inflames it. I would not consider an operation.
A: Please reconsider the operation. I had it done a year ago and am glad I did.
What is the best thing you can do to treat hammer toes/bunions?
Q: What is the best thing you can do to treat hammer toes/bunions?
A: I have to have surgery for mine in a few months:(
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