What is a doctor called who specializes in male reproductive system

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a doctor called who specializes in male reproductive system”,you can compare them.

. A urologist specializes in male and female urinary disorders as well as the male reproductive system. MORE! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-doctor-called-who-specializes-in-male-reproductive-system ]
More Answers to “What is a doctor called who specializes in male reproductive system
What is a doctor called who specializes in male reproductive syst…?
A urologist specializes in male and female urinary disorders as well as the male reproductive system. MORE!
What do we call a doctor who specialises in male reproductive sys…?
UROLOGIST. Urology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the urinary tracts of males and females, and on the reproductive system of males. Medical professionals specializing in the field of urology are called Urologists and are trained …
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