What is Guafinacin what is the maximum recommended dose What is the maximum lethal dose

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is Guafinacin what is the maximum recommended dose What is the maximum lethal dose”,you can compare them.

No serious side effects are expected from guaifenesin therapy. Stop taking guaifenesin and seek emergency medical attention if you experience an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-guafinacin-what-is-the-maximum-recommended-dose-what-is-the-maximum-lethal-dose ]
More Answers to “What is Guafinacin what is the maximum recommended dose What is the maximum lethal dose
What is Guafinacin what is the maximum recommended dose What is t…?
No serious side effects are expected from guaifenesin therapy. Stop taking guaifenesin and seek emergency medical attention if you experience an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue.
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