What is in Methocarbamol

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Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant. It works by blocking nerve impulses (or pain sensations) that are sent to your brain. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-in-methocarbamol ]
More Answers to “What is in Methocarbamol
What is methocarbamol
What is METHOCARBAMOL? Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant used to relieve pain and discomfort caused by strains, sprains, and other muscle injuries.
What is methocarbamol 500mg used to treat?
Methocarbamol. Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant. It works by blocking nerve impulses (or pain sensations) that are sent to your brain…
Is Methocarbamol addictive?
it is a smooth muscle relaxant, it can be habit forming, but not addicting.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can I take a 750mg Methocarbamol and two midol pills as well?
Q: I have terrible cramps and was prescribed Methocarbamol (a muscle relaxant) for them but the Methocarbamol alone isn’t cutting it. Can I also take two midols as well?
A: I wouldn’t advise mixing these two together. But if you want to be absolutely sure, you can call up the pharmacist at your local drugstore, or call and ask your doctor (leave a message and get him to call you back if he’s busy). I had extremely severe cramps most of my life. Before they invented ibuprofens I was taking 4 emperin codeines every 4 hours and it wasn’t strong enough for me. Once ibuprofens came on the market, I found that I had to double the recommended dosage to 4 ibuprofens every 4 hours, and this seemed to help a great deal and I was able to work during my period. Worked better for me than anything else I tried. I recommend using the Motrin IB brand from the store (non-prescription).See if you can find Lemon Balm herb at an herb store or health food store that carries lots of herbs, and you can take it as 1/2 cup of tea along with the 4 ibuprofens, works good; but will make you sleepy.Some tips to help prevent cramps from being worse:Before your period, take some laxatives, take some diuretics to get rid of excess water; this takes some pressure off of the uterus and lessens severity of cramps.Tip: During your period, eat very little food the first two days, as this also takes pressure off of uterus. Absolutely do not drink any coffee or take anything that has caffeine in it because this makes the cramps a lot more severe by restricting blood flow.P.S. I am not personally familiar with the pain killer your doctor prescribed, but if it isn’t working very well I’d have him prescribe something stronger; but try my advice, above, first, since taking prescription drugs isn’t the best idea since they tend to have side effects.
Can I take a 750mg Methocarbamol and two Midol pills?
Q: I have terrible cramps and was prescribed Methocarbamol (a muscle relaxant) for them but the Methocarbamol alone isn’t cutting it. Can I also take two midols as well?
A: Hey,Yes, you can take these two medications together. There are no reported negative interactions. However, this does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. ALWAYS consult with your doctor or pharmacist.Hope this helps,
Is it bad to take expired Methocarbamol?
Q: I found an old muscle relaxer called Methocarbamol. Would it be a badd ideea for me to take itt still?
A: you should not take expired medication. if you’re still not sure, ask a pharmacist if you could still take it.
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