What is the cheapest way to get rid of head lice

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the cheapest way to get rid of head lice”,you can compare them.

To get rid of hair lice cheaply, use lots of cheap conditioner. Wait 20 minutes, and comb with fine tooth comb 4 or 5 times. Wash. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cheapest-way-to-get-rid-of-head-lice ]
More Answers to “What is the cheapest way to get rid of head lice
What is the easiest, safest or cheapest way to get rid of head li…?
My kindergarten kid got it at school two weeks ago. I bought the rid x kit, about $20 but it’s worth it, it comes with the shampoo, gel, and spray. It’s not easy or cheap but when it comes to lice I don’t think the cheap stuff would work. I…
What is the easiest and cheapest way THAT WORKS to get rid of hea…?
if its on your cloths, heres how you get them off that piece of clothing. bury the clothing until only one corner is above-ground, them after 4 days-a week later fburn/cut/somehow get rid of that corner the lice all migrate there to get air…
What is the fastest,cheapest,safest & garenteed way to get ri…?
The nits are literally glued onto the hair shaft, so above anything else, get a nit comb. If you remove the eggs, you reduce the population. Also, since the nits are more obvious, your children’s school may have a No Nit policy, so if there…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the easiest and cheapest way THAT WORKS to get rid of head lice?
Q: What is the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of head lice that has infested the whole family?I’m looking for a way to get rid of it that doesn’t cost a lot of money.We are having some major issues at our house due to this problem. My little niece brought it home from one of her friends house and we haven’t been able to get rid of it since.Please help!
A: if its on your cloths, heres how you get them off that piece of clothing.bury the clothing until only one corner is above-ground, them after 4 days-a week later fburn/cut/somehow get rid of that cornerthe lice all migrate there to get air, then remove that piece and the lice with them
What is the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of head lice that has infested the whole family?
Q: I’m looking for a way to get rid of it that doesn’t cost a lot of money.We are having some major issues at our house due to this problem. My little niece brought it home from one of her friends house and we haven’t been able to get rid of it since.Please help!
A: take a bath/shower 3x a day an dmake sure you shampoo it with that lice remover and yeah wash all ur clothing and bedding and dush off and vacuum everything
What is the easiest, safest or cheapest way to get rid of head lice?
Q: Daughter got it at school but I have a 2yr old boy is those shampoo safe for him?
A: My kindergarten kid got it at school two weeks ago. I bought the rid x kit, about $20 but it’s worth it, it comes with the shampoo, gel, and spray. It’s not easy or cheap but when it comes to lice I don’t think the cheap stuff would work. I cut her hair short and went through every strand to pick them out. I threw out the pillows, blankets, some stuffed animals, hair ribbons, brushes. I sprayed the car, mattresses, furniture. You’re supposed to use the shampoo a week after the first treatment. I thought it would kill them all the first time but it didn’t. I was still picking them out of her hair a week later. I keep her hair back in barrettes at school so it doesn’t touch the other kid’s hair. I have been so paranoid about it. I even bought a new vacuum cleaner. This was a nightmare and I hope they are gone. As for your 2 yr. old , it would probably be ok to use it, but open the windows and don’t get it in his eyes.
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