What is the medicine lithium
Lithium is used to treat the manic episodes of manic depression. It affects the flow of sodium through nerve and muscle cells. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-medicine-lithium ]
More Answers to “What is the medicine lithium“
- What is lithium used for in medicine?
- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090118193059AA3GjfZ
- People with mental problems, as it seems to “calm” them, but it is of limited use
- Is lithium the medicine the same chemical as lithium in batteries…?
- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071007083728AAsxHqf
- Lithium from Li-ion and Lithium as a drug are the same thing yes. In the medicine it’s the Li+ ion which is active and is administered as a salt ( a compound with a non-metal) the same is true for Li-ion batteries except the Li salt is in a…
- Is it alright to take Lithium and codeine cough medicine??
- http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_it_alright_to_take_Lithium_and_codeine_cough_medicine
- I had a terrible reaction once. Wound up in the hospital with a hypomanic episode. I was also taking cold medication (Alka Seltzer Plus, the old kind) so who knows what it was. Scared to death to take any cough syrup now! Bottom line is, be…
Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers
- Is Lithium the best medicine to make me into a Zombie like in the book 1984?
- Q:
- A: Lithium is candy…….try some of the anti psychotics, ( Halidol)…….Gosh, some people are dumb. Or Trazadone..one injection and you`ll be drowling for hours. HAHAHAHHAHH!!You`re probably just starting lithium and having some side effects, ( sleepiness).. That will wear off soon enough. Trust me, but wait until your doctor adds a anti psychotic to the mix…….DROOOOOOLLLLLL…..
- is lithium the medicine the same chemical as lithium in batteries?
- Q: thanks for your helpxxx vici
- A: Lithium from Li-ion and Lithium as a drug are the same thing yes. In the medicine it’s the Li+ ion which is active and is administered as a salt ( a compound with a non-metal) the same is true for Li-ion batteries except the Li salt is in an organic solvent where it acts as an electrolyte.
- lithium medicine?
- Q: This medicine is a mood enhancer.? Does it really enhance your mood? If so. how long does it take?
- A: It’s a mood stabilizer often used for bi-polar to even out the manic and the depressive states.