What is the success rate of the morning after pill

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The overall success rate of the morning after pill is around 75%. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-success-rate-of-the-morning-after-pill ]
More Answers to “What is the success rate of the morning after pill
What is the success rate of Plan B (the morning after pill)??
I’ve took plan B before, twice. and it’s really effective. Just dont wait too long , the sooner she takes it after having unprotected sex the more effective it will be. It has to be within 72 hours of unprotected sex. Don;t wait any longer….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the success rate of Plan B (the morning after pill)?
Q: My girlfriend and I had unprotected sex. If she takes the pill about 15 hours we had sex, what is the success rate of Plan B, assuming she takes it correctly?One pill, then the other pill 12 hours later.
A: I’ve took plan B before, twice. and it’s really effective. Just dont wait too long , the sooner she takes it after having unprotected sex the more effective it will be. It has to be within 72 hours of unprotected sex. Don;t wait any longer..
how effective is the morning after pill providing you take it correctly?
Q: What is the success rate of the morning after pill providing you take it correctly?Thanks in advance
A: 99.9%. Just like condoms, and normal birth control pills. there is ALWAYS room for error or mishap.
How long does it take to menstruate after taking the morning after pill? Am I Pregnant?
Q: hello.I am late on my period ( I’m not sure exactly, since I have stopped taking birth control I haven’t kept very good track like I should be.) and I am wondering if I am pregnant. My guess is that I’m at least one to two weeks late.i have taken two at home tests (last week) and they were both negative.about two to three weeks ago, I had sexual intercourse and the next day i went and got the Plan B morning after pill. it says on the box that since it stops ovulation it could mess up my period…but it also said it only has an 80% success rate at preventing pregnancy.i guess my main question is…is it normal that my period is taking so long? Or is there a chance that I am pregnant?I’m a little worried….
A: your period will come when your body adjust to the pill
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