What would happen if you drank eye drops

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Certain types of eyedrops (not saline) can cause diarrhea. Tetrahydrozoline is the chemical that makes this happen. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-happen-if-you-drank-eye-drops ]
More Answers to “What would happen if you drank eye drops
What happens if you drink eye drops?
It’s supposed to be used on your eyes. Use it on your eyes. If you don’t use it according to safety information, it can be dangerous. I don’t know about it working as a laxative but it sounds like a bad idea.
How do you know if someone puts eye drops in your drink??
You probably would never know the difference.
Does eye drops in your drink actually make you throw up??
lol i saw that in a movie.. “wedding crashers”.. the guy was in the bathroom all night doing #2… is it really true??

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What would happen if you drank eye drops?
Q: by consuming i mean kind of like drinking it(no im not going to go drink eye drops, im just wondering)would you get sick, die , or what?what if i were to put like an entire bottle of “Optive Lubricant Eye Drops in a drink.What would that do?
A: It would cause diarrhea.
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Q: Would you be sick or die or something like that ?
A: Nothing. Since the tears of the eye drain through the lacrimal canals into the back of the nose and then down the throat, all eye drops must be non toxic if swallowed (Because that’s where the excessive drop quantity is going to end up anyway.) Might make your stomach upset if you drank alot but don’t think eyed (I’d) worry about this one.
What happens if you consume eye drops?
Q: What happens if you consume eye drops?by consuming i mean kind of like drinking it(no im not going to go drink eye drops, im just wondering)would you get sick, die , or what?
A: you will have the runs bad in other words diarrhea and how do i know because it happened to me
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