Why do people pee when they get tickled
Laughing causes your stomach muscles to contract putting pressure on your bladder. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-pee-when-they-get-tickled ]
More Answers to “Why do people pee when they get tickled“
- Why do people pee when they get tickled
- http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-pee-when-they-get-tickled
- Laughing causes your stomach muscles to contract putting pressure on your bladder.
Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers
- why do people need to pee when they get tickled?
- Q:
- A: U study that in bio… when u laugh a small muscle controlling when u “release” ur pee and when u dont gets abit loose .. so u pee 🙂 ( im sry i dnt rly have much info i still ddnt get to that chapter in bio )
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- Q:
- A: Not exactly sure, but I believe its just simply that they have less muscle control over their bladders.When they laugh, they tense up and pressure is applied to their abdomen. Pressure + low muscle control = a damp moment.
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- Q: why is it that we feel like peeing when we are being tickled?
- A: you are loosing control of your muscle that stops you from Peeing