Why do people pee when they get tickled

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Laughing causes your stomach muscles to contract putting pressure on your bladder. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-pee-when-they-get-tickled ]
More Answers to “Why do people pee when they get tickled
Why do people pee when they get tickled
Laughing causes your stomach muscles to contract putting pressure on your bladder.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do people need to pee when they get tickled?
A: U study that in bio… when u laugh a small muscle controlling when u “release” ur pee and when u dont gets abit loose .. so u pee 🙂 ( im sry i dnt rly have much info i still ddnt get to that chapter in bio )
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A: Not exactly sure, but I believe its just simply that they have less muscle control over their bladders.When they laugh, they tense up and pressure is applied to their abdomen. Pressure + low muscle control = a damp moment.
why do we have to pee when we are tickled excessively?
Q: why is it that we feel like peeing when we are being tickled?
A: you are loosing control of your muscle that stops you from Peeing
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