Why do you get dizzy when you stand up too fast

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Sometimes when you stand up really fast, your blood pressure drops, and that can cause dizziness. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-you-get-dizzy-when-you-stand-up-too-fast ]
More Answers to “Why do you get dizzy when you stand up too fast
Why do you get dizzy when you stand up too fast
Sometimes when you stand up really fast, your blood pressure drops, and that can cause dizziness. ChaCha on!
Why is it that when I stand up too fast, I get dizzy ??
I’ve had that happen. Found that if I eat something before hand it dosn’t happen. I think it may be from lack of nurishment.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do i get dizzy when i stand up too fast?
Q: whenever i stand up to fast, i get dizzy and black out kinda. its a really weird feeling. i know its because lack of blood to the brain or whatever, but i heard its normal only if it happens like once every two months. but this haappens to me on a daily basis. i can’t figure out what it is when i look it up on the internet, and i dont have the money to go to the doctor to figure it out. im sure its nothing really, just as bad as when i get a sharp pain in my chest every couple of months. i know that that is normal because it happens to me and everyone i ever talk to about it.
A: Yes, that means you have a rush of blood to the brain. I’m not a doctor, but I do know that this can be prevented with several things. First of all, (I don’t know about what kind of health you’re in) it can mean you’re dehydrated or undernourished. (Meaning, you need more water and/ or more nutritious food) So… try drinking more water and make sure you’re eating enough. Also, if there is a lack of oxygen in your system, it can be a shock for your body to use all the blood it takes to stand up. Try taking some steady, deep breaths (but NOT hyperventilating) before you stand up. Of course, if the problem is still there… you may need to see a professional. I understand not being able to afford a doctor– neither can I. But often, county or other nonprofit health clinics will see you for stuff like that. They’re free.
What makes us dizzy when we stand up too fast?
Q: Because I get that feeling everytime I stand up, even if I take my time and it’s annoying because you also can’t see you know? Because you almost black out for a second and it’s frustrating. So does anyone know why that happens? :)&&& I’m not on any medication 🙂
A: Alot of times it is because the blood in your body has to rush up, and if you stand up too quickly it is difficult for your body to do.It can also be a case of low blood pressure. If you are really worried you can go see a doctor but honestly I think there is nothing too worry about :)Hope all works out. If you need any more info just email me!
Why is it that when I stand up too fast, I get dizzy ?
Q: It use to happen all the time but now it only happens after a hot bath. Every time I stand up to get out of the bath, I have to lean against the wall for about 5 seconds so I don’t fall over , and everything goes black so I have to shut my eyes too. It feels like a really bad headache but only lasts for 5 seconds. Why does that happen, I’m sure it’s probably harmless but I’m just interested to know , it’s been happening for the last 5 years or so . Would it have anything to do with being dehydrated ?
A: I’ve had that happen. Found that if I eat something before hand it dosn’t happen. I think it may be from lack of nurishment.
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