Why does mouth wash wash your mouth

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Whether it’s to mask bad breath, fight cavities or prevent the buildup of plaque, mouth rinses serve a variety of purposes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-mouth-wash-wash-your-mouth ]
More Answers to “Why does mouth wash wash your mouth
How to Use Mouth Wash
Summary: How to use mouth wash in this free health video series.
Can Hydrogen Peroxide be used as mouth wash?
Dilute it with water at least 50%, don’t leave it in your mouth for more than 20 seconds. And DON’T SWALLOW. Don’t use it this way more than once per day.
Would you wash a childs mouth out with soap?
Yes I would wash my child’s mouth out with soap. The way children now a days talk is unacceptable. And no it will not hurt them (unless you use foaming hand soap). A little liquid soap or a bar of soap will not poison them. It will teach th…

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Why does my teeth hurt when I rinse my mouth with Crest Whitening mouth wash?
Q: I have only been using this product for about 3 days. My teeth hurt all day yesterday. I also have braces though. But I haven’t been to the ortho in about a month. So I am thinking it is the crest mouth wash. What do you think?
A: Whitening mouthwash can have some pretty aggressive ingredients in it. If you have sensitive teeth you may find it unpleasant. I would switch to a milder mouthwash and a whitening toothpaste that doesn’t cause discomfort.
Does hydrogen peroxide clean your mouth better than mouth wash?
Q: And baking soda better than toothpaste?
A: it does help to whiten your teeth. except dont do it more than 2-3 times a month.
Does alcohol containing mouth wash cause oral cancer?
Q: Health researchers have said that drinking alcohol increases your risk of oral cancer, especially when combined with tobacco. Listerine and many other mouth washes contain over 20% alcohol (40+ proof), so they’re pretty potent. Does mouth wash expose your mouth to cancer causing alcohol, just like a shot of hard liquor morning and night?
A: Here’s an article I found on the subject – I’ll also send the link. Sounds, in a nutshell, like there’s no solid evidence of a link. The main risk factor is tobacco, and alcohol dries the mucous membranes, making them more vulnerable to the carcinogens in tobacco. I think I’ll dilute my Listerine half and half with water, though – just to be safe. . . Diane (I’ll edit this if I find anything new)www.uspharmacist.com/index.asp?show=article&page=8_1820.htm Risk FactorsMouth Rinses: Ethyl alcohol is added to mouth rinses as a solvent for other ingredients and as a preservative. In 1985, Mashberg et al. found that cancer was not statistically associated with mouthwash use in alcohol or tobacco users.20 Currently, there is insufficient clinical evidence to suggest a relationship between ethyl alcohol found in mouth rinses and oral cancer.21Cigarette Smoking: The primary risk factor for oral cancer is the use of tobacco in all forms. Approximately 75% of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers are attributed to the use of smoked and smokeless tobacco, and the rate increases with the amount smoked or chewed and the duration of use. There are roughly 44.5 million (21%) adult smokers and 3.75 million (22%) high school student smokers in the U.S. Smokers are six times more likely than nonsmokers to develop oral cancer. Cigarettes are the predominant form of tobacco used; however, other forms of tobacco, including smokeless tobacco, cigars, and pipes, are also used. Those who smoke filtered cigarettes and those who quit smoking are at a substantially lower risk of oral cancer than are users of other forms of tobacco and current smokers.5,6Cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemical agents, including more than 60 carcinogens (e.g., carbon monoxide, tar, arsenic, lead).7 Nicotine is primarily responsible for addiction to smoking.Pipe smokers have an especially high risk for lip cancer because of the static contact of the pipe stem with the lower lip. Cigar smokers who inhale deeply are six times more likely to develop and die from oral cancer. The same carcinogens found in cigarette smoke are also found in pipe and cigar smoke.Smokeless Tobacco (Chewing Tobacco): Smokeless tobacco products include chewing tobacco and sucked (moist oral) tobacco. Oral cancer risks are much lower from smokeless tobacco use than from cigarette smoking, and no synergistic effect between smokeless tobacco use and cigarette smoking among males has been found.8,9 The buccal (cheek) mucosa, gums, and inner soft tissue surface of the lips are common sites of cancer in those who use smokeless tobacco. Most types of smokeless tobacco contain tobacco-specific nitrosamines, which are the culprits for oral cancer.In addition to tobacco use, the use of chewing products such as betel nuts, paan, chaalia, gutka (a mixture of betel nuts and chewing tobacco), naswar, and areca increases the risk for oral cancer. These products are socially acceptable in Southeast Asia, the South Pacific Islands, and India. Although chewers of betel nuts generally spit out the juices, they swallow some juice, which enters the bloodstream. Arecoline, an alkaloid found in betel nuts, remains in the organs.10 Chewers of betel nuts who also smoke and drink are 195 times more likely to develop cancer of the esophagus than are those who do not.Marijuana: Marijuana use may interact with mutagen sensitivity and other risk factors to increase the risk of head and neck cancer.11 The carcinogenic properties of marijuana smoke are similar to those of tobacco.Alcohol Abuse: All forms of alcohol have been linked to oropharyngeal cancer. Compared to heavy tobacco use, heavy alcohol consumption is less of an independent risk factor but is an increased synergistic risk factor when combined with heavy tobacco use. There are many different criteria for heavy drinking, but the consensus definition is more than four drinks per day.12,13 Alcohol use may be a stronger risk factor for cancer of the oral cavity than for cancer of the larynx and pharynx. Alcohol is a weaker risk factor for laryngeal cancer than is cigarette smoking; however, cancer of the oral cavity has an increased incidence among those who smoke and abuse alcohol.14 The incidence of oral cancer may remain high several years after alcohol cessation.15The exact mechanism of action of alcohol’s carcinogenicity has not been determined; however, it may be related to the carcinogenic effect of acetaldehyde, the first metabolite of ethanol.16,17 Another study suggested that p15-gene methylation can be induced by chronic smoking and drinking and may have a role in the early stages of head and neck cancer.18Age: The majority of oral cancers are seen in patients older than 40, with an average age of diagnosis of about 63 years. More than 90% of oral cancers occur in patients older than 45, and the incidence steadily increases until age 65, when the rates stabilize.Gender: Men have twice the risk of oral cancer as women, and men older than 50 are at the greatest risk. The yearly incidence of oral cancer is much greater for males (15.7 per 100,000) than for females (6.0 per 100,000).19 In females, the incidence is relatively high in southern Asia (8.3 per 100,000).1Ultraviolet Light: Excessive exposure to solar radiation (sunlight) is associated with an increased incidence of lip cancer. Specifically, ultraviolet B radiation causes sunburns and is the form of UV radiation responsible for lip and skin cancer. Irritation: Although it has been suggested that chronic irritation to the lining of the mouth from poorly fitting or defective complete dentures may be a risk factor for oral cancer, the majority of studies have shown no correlation.22Human Papillomavirus Infection: Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) has been associated with increased incidence of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Viruses cause proto-oncogenes to become oncogenic, which can cause altered expression of their products and lead to cancer.10The genotypes of HPV most commonly found in oral carcinoma are HPV 16 and 18; however, HPV can be detected in normal oral tissue. Thus, linking viruses to oral cancer is still in question, and more research is needed before a definitive association can be established.Poor Nutrition: There may be an association between the consumption of fruit and vegetables and a reduced risk of oral cancer, but it is still controversial.
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