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What are 3 good OTC sore throat medicines

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Try Chloraseptic spray to numb the pain, cough drops for coughing, and hot tea with honey and lemon to sooth your throat. ChaCha on all day long! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-3-good-otc-sore-throat-medicines ]
More Answers to “What are 3 good OTC sore throat medicines
What are 3 good OTC sore throat medicines
Try Chloraseptic spray to numb the pain, cough drops for coughing, and hot tea with honey and lemon to sooth your throat. ChaCha on all day long!

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Q: I went to the doctor yesterday- he said that I may have a slight viral infection in my throat. Here are some of my symptoms:1. Slight cough (it is in my throat, not my chest)2. A little bit of fluid waste from the cough3. Throat is red inside and raw, slightly sore4. Slight fever, or feelings of fever5. Slight fatigue6. Very slight body aches7. Slight headachesI have been taking Zicam and some OTC cough medicine. I have also been drinking fluids.Any recommendations on how I can get better sooner? Thanks.
A: An old English remedy for sore throat is honey and lemon.Take 1/2 fresh lemon and squeeze the juice out over a mug.Pour boiling hot water over it.Add honey.The lemon shrinks the swelling and the honey soothes.It’s AMAZING how well this works!!I do it every time I have a sore throat, and the effects last all day sometimes getting rid of it altogether.Also,Drink tons of water and some tea and juice.Take an Echinachea tincture (in alcohol; it’s stronger) to boost your immune system and Goldenseal (if you have a fever)to fight infection.Take a multivitamin daily and extra zinc and vitamin C.Ditch the cough meds and suck on Riccola drops.
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